Get some of your friends together and anything is possible.
Without the commentary turned up, this is just kind of a tense situation. With the commentary, however… video gold.
Cow ponies come in all sizes… and that goes for their cowgirl riders too.
Via our partner site Women of Age Riding Horses, learn the true story behind this viral video.
If we didn’t tell you, would you have guessed that this horse was a Thoroughbred?
We can almost certainly guarantee that you’ve never treated your horse’s mane or tail quite like this guy.
Because watching people in T. Rex suits attempting impossible feats never, ever gets old.
This, my friends, is the future.
“Thanks for the toy, Mom!”
Take a peek into the day-to-day life at Easy Horse Care Rescue Centre, Spain’s only equine rescue!
Well, he’s definitely getting a good workout that way.
All that bluegrass has clearly been very kind to this Kentucky Derby winner!
Ever find it tough to get motivated in the morning? We know exactly what you need: a guinea hen drill sergeant. Meet the Bird.
“Mommy has me all safe-ified.”
Your daily dose of adorable, coming right up.
These Retired Racehorse Project Thoroughbred Makeover candidates are looking more than ready, in our opinion. Ready for what? We have no idea, but we love it.
Heather Main isn’t just a racehorse trainer — she’s also a trained opera singer. Turn up your volume for this one.
“It’s such an old tradition, and it should be kept going.” This video from The Countryside Alliance has been making quite a buzz!
Don’t try this at home with your own grumpy horse.
You’re either going to love this video or need a strong drink to cope with the nerves. Maybe both.
Why trot through them one at a time when you could leap half of them in a single bound?
… what do you think they dream about? Watch this video and speculate.
Alternate title: the best music video for “Despacito” you’ll ever watch.
Turns out, it actually DOES work.
If you’re the kind of person who tears up at animal friendships, don’t skip this video.