Thursday Video: Horses Run to Pasture
Boost your Thursday morning mood with this video of horses at Duchess Sanctuary running to new pasture!
Thursday Video: Visible Horse in Slow Motion
If you haven’t seen one of Susan Harris’ live “Visible Horse” presentations, you’re missing out! Fortunately, this video captured in slow motion does a good job as a substitute.
Tuesday Video: Owl Just Be Riding My Horse
This owl is quite possibly a better rider than all of us.
Really, what’s left to say? Watch this owl ride this moving toy horse (bonus points if you turn the sound up) and realize that we are so lucky to bask in its presence. While we at Horse Nation condone the use of helmets any time one is mounted, we’ll make an allowance for this owl, mostly because he’s adorable and also because his riding skills are clearly top-notch.
(Note: must be logged in to Facebook to view.)
Done. That is all I need to see today. What a time to be alive.
Go riding!
Video: Men’s Sidesaddle
Clearly the class description was “go big or go home.”
Thursday Video: Mule Foal Is Unstoppable
Nothing is going to stop this sassy mule foal — not even the most epic slip and fall ever captured on video.
Seriously, we have a lot to learn from this little mule foal: don’t ever stop being yourself. When you fall down, get right back up and keep on rockin’. If you do something totally embarrassing when someone’s watching, laugh it off and keep following the beat of that wacky drummer.
I’m pretty sure the last time I had this much sass while also being able to fall down, get back up again and continue to be sassy, there was a lot of alcohol involved.
Go little mule, and go riding!
Tuesday Video: Soccer Meets Showjumping
Here’s an unusual combination, courtesy of reader Erin Kenny in Switzerland!
Video: Niiiiice Save
9 seconds of pure awesome.
Usually in the equestrian world when we say that someone had a nice save, we mean that they fought the powers of gravity and physics to remain in the saddle despite every force in the world working against them. In this case, however, the rider and horse did indeed part ways — but she never touched the ground. It’s trainer David Bustillos of Durango Farms in California that gets all the credit here:
(Note: must be logged in to Facebook to view.)
Hey man, nice save. And kudos to that rider for sticking on as long as she did, because that looked like no fun at all.
Go riding!
Video: Horse Riding Horse is So Meta
The creepy horse mask will never not be sinister and unsettling, but we’ve got to hand it to this reader for creative application.
When Water Babies and Barn Rats Collide
Also important: Extremely patient horses.
Thursday Video: Trail Obstacle Course is Smooth as Silk
Open the gate, walk the bridge, jump the sofa… Jump the SOFA?!
Watch Kelly Marks of Intelligent Horsemanship make short work of a TREC obstacle demo with her trusty partner, The Pie: (Note: must be logged into Facebook to view this video)
They make it look so easy!
TREC, also known as “Le TREC,” is a three-phase sport that tests the skills and confidence of horses and their handlers over various terrains and obstacles. Like extreme trail challenges and versatility ranch horse competitions, TREC (short for “Techniques de Rondonee Equestre de Competition”) participants are judged on the successful completion of obstacles, though part of what makes TREC unique among trail competitions is that riders also compete in two other phases of orienteering (planning and navigating their route) and controlling the paces (demonstrating the horses’ obedience in certain gaits in a designated area, similar to the dressage phase in eventing)
Riders and teams are not eliminated for failure to perform parts of the competition; they instead receive lower scores. This makes TREC a novice-friendly event that horses and riders of many levels can enjoy.
For more information on Kelly Marks and her work with internationally-renowned trainer and clinician Monty Roberts, visit the Intelligent Horsemanship website.
Go riding!
Tuesday Video: Slow-Motion Snort
Reader Lynn Howland sends us this surprisingly entertaining slow-motion video of her horse snorting.
Says Lynn, “I accidentally took a slow-motion video — I didn’t even know I was filming! As it turns out, if you turn the sound up it turns it all into a lot of sinister growling.”
We find it interesting that this extreme slow-motion horse snort-turned-growl sounds remarkably like some movie sound effects, like, say dragon growling. Hollywood, we think we may have debunked you thanks to this reader video!
Go riding!
Thursday Video: Free-Jumping Pony is an Overachiever
“You mean I have to work? I’m outta here!”
We all know the stereotype of the lazy, stubborn pony who would rather play dead than work. What about a pony who goes through leaps and bounds – literally – to avoid work?
This 2010 video of free-jumping gone hilariously wrong is going viral on Facebook, and for good reason. When asked to hop over a simple cross-rail, this pony decides to take the easy closest way out:
Well done, little guy.
Go ponies. Go riding.
Video: Sleeping Like the Dead
This pony takes that phrase to a whole new, slightly horrifying level.
How many times has someone stopped by your farm to inform you in an anxious voice that your horse is dead — when he’s really just sleeping on his side, enjoying the warm sun or a cool breeze? This pony owner doesn’t even want to hear about it, because when her little guy conks out, he sleeps like the dead. Like, for real.
Any time a Facebook post includes the following conversation, you know it’s going to be good:
Electrical contractors called me — ma’am, you’ve got a dead horse here in your pasture.
No I don’t, he plays dead all the time. Is his leg sticking straight up in the air?
Yes ma’am. I’m telling you he’s dead. The leg sticking up is because rigor mortis has set in, ma’am, I know horses, I own a few.
Sir, my horse ain’t dead. He plays opossum. But, I’m coming. Give me a minute please.
Now, in the contractors’ defense, this little guy looks, well, dead. And as it turns out, he just really likes to sleep that way.
Editor’s note: we don’t recommend throwing rocks at ponies to wake them up, but we assume that this owner knows her pony and her aim well enough to do so.
“Pinto” is going viral on the horse-loving internet and beyond. Little buddy, don’t let anyone tell you how to nap — you just keep on snoozin’.
Go riding!
Tuesday Video: Pride
This mini-doc by filmmaker Evan Kaufmann beautifully captures both the bond between horse and rider and the sense of personal pride that comes from working with these animals!
No matter where you go in the world, horsemen share the common bond of a great love and respect for the horse and a strong sense of pride in being lucky enough to work with this noble animal. It’s an age-old story, but one that we love to see retold over and over again in new ways — and this mini-doc from filmmaker Evan Kaufmann is exactly that kind of tale.
Travel to Long Beach, California to meet a handful of horsemen, all sharing the same love and pride:
Kaufmann describes his project: “Last year, I was fortunate enough to spend a couple days documenting two extremely disciplined horse trainers. The love for the animals and dedication to their craft was one of the most inspiring things I had seen in quite some time. I hope you enjoy this video.”
Go horses. Go riding.
Thursday Vid: ‘Truck People’ Dodge Ram Commercial
If you watched the Kentucky Derby or Preakness Stakes, you might have spotted the latest Dodge Ram commercial, “Truck People.”
We have to hand it to the marketing team at Dodge — they’ve put two and two together and realized that horse people are in fact truck people. Who else makes the most out of their trucks, from hauling horses to equipment to feed? That’s the premise behind the latest Dodge Ram commercial, with a special focus on the Kentucky Derby (Ram is the official truck of the Run for the Roses).
Whether you’re raising blue-blooded Thoroughbreds or just looking for a truck to get you and horses to the local showgrounds and back, there’s certainly something to love about this commercial.
Go horse people, go truck people, and go riding!
Tuesday Video: Horse Animation by the Layers
Here’s a little something different for your Tuesday morning: Watch this 3D horse become animated, one piece at a time!
Animated horses have come a long way from the hand-drawn cartoons of yesterday. Watch this 3D rendering of a horse come “alive” one step at a time until it runs across the screen about as realistic as can be!
From the video description:
I created this animation as a way to demonstrate the technique of layering animation to create a realistic run cycle for a horse.
Most of my students knew pose to pose, and straight through animation styles, and the basics of keyframe animation. Yet they were unfamiliar with this layered animation method, and I thought this would aid in showing them step by step how it works.
As always, I look at reference footage to study the type movement I am trying to create with the animation. I also familiarize myself with the character rig thoroughly before proceeding.
The horse run is based on a 12 frame cycle: first starting with the main parts of the body and head, then proceeding to the legs, animating one, then copying and offsetting to its mirror, adding secondary animation and adding further refinements when viewing through a front facing camera.
Pretty cool stuff! Go riding!
Thursday Video: Mama Knows Best
Reader Addie Wetteland sent us this video of two-and-a-half week old “Derby,” who is just dying to play with Bug. As Addie tried to get her twin sister Katie on Bug lined up in front of the barn for a photo, Derby’s mother Ellie had other ideas. After all, mama knows best:
Too cute! Some day Derby will be going for his own rides, we’re sure. In the meantime, listen to your mothers, and go riding.
Tuesday Video: Humans Make Great Pillows
Your daily dose of adorable to kick off your Tuesday morning is right here.
Friend of Horse Nation Tracey Buyce is an equine photographer based in Saratoga Springs, New York. At a recent photoshoot at Sarde Morgans, Tracey and one of the newest members of the Sarde team enjoyed a little naptime in the pasture.
How precious is this little guy! Special thanks to Tracey for sending this video our way. Keep an eye out for more work from Tracey in the future on Horse Nation!
Go napping. Then go riding!
Video: Feelin’ Fresh, Feelin’ Fly
This Thoroughbred is clearly ready to run … if only this pesky hot walker wasn’t holding her down.
There are few things more impressive than a Thoroughbred at the peak of their racing fitness: they’re all rippling muscle with that sense of barely-bridled energy, ready to go burn up the track. Sometimes, apparently, those little balls of speed can’t contain that energy, as evidenced by the Facebook video below:
What a sassy lady! The video’s original poster included the caption “Tuti wants to fly…” and mentioned in the comments that this filly was due for a race soon. We think Tuti would agree.
Go riding!
Video: Darn Kids, Stay Off the Donkey!
Kids will be kids … and these (goat) kids are definitely acting their age!
The goat’s penchant for climbing naturally leads it to some interesting predicaments, but also to hours of endless entertainment to us as observers. These goats have selected what might possibly be the world’s most patient pair of donkeys to be their jungle gym of the day:
(Note: must be logged in to Facebook to view.)
Go ahead, watch it again. We won’t tell. Thanks to reader/contributor Heather Benson for the tip!
Go goats, go donkeys, and go riding!
Daily Dose of Adorable: Future Baller at Work
The most adorable minute you will enjoy all day long, guaranteed.
Congratulations, Horse Nation — we made it through another week and it’s Friday afternoon. Kick off your weekend with this little dose of adorable in the form of a Rocky Mountain Horse colt named CCF The Force Awakens — known to his friends as Sheldon — romping around his pasture with his oversize soccer ball.
Reader Myranda Grace Elliot sends us the video:
Go out and play, Horse Nation! Happy Friday, have a great weekend, and go riding!
Thursday Video: Equestricats Ride Donkey Double
The only thing better than a cat riding a donkey? TWO cats riding a donkey.
I mean, let’s be honest — how much else do we really need to say? There are cats, the cats are riding a donkey, and everything is adorable. Seriously, I can only aspire to be as cool as these two, lounging on the back of my most noble steed, taking in the afternoon sun.
Happy Thursday, Horse Nation. Let’s make it a good one.
Go riding!
Tuesday Video: For the Birds
Need a helping hand this spring shedding season? How about a helping beak instead?
Many of us leave our horses’ shedding spring coat out on the muck pile or set aside in a location where the birds can easily take what they need to line their nests. These birds are going one better and eliminating the need for the middle man — they’re getting their hair direct from the source.
(Note: must be logged into Facebook to view.)
Is your spring shedding season for the birds? Show us your photos and videos in the comments section!
Go riding!
Thursday Morning Video: Rooster Roundpens Horse
Now we’ve seen it all.
Dogs get a lot of credit for being “man’s best friend.” Typically, where you find horse people, you will also find dogs; in some situations, such as fox hunting or working livestock, the dog is a critical part of the whole operation. I’ve seen a dog who could effectively keep a horse walking in a roundpen by remaining at its heels — very useful in a colic situation, though perhaps not recommended for the ultimate safety of your horse or your dog.
But the typical “man’s best friend” is about to take a back seat to the ultimate tool for training horses: this roundpenning rooster.
It’s not often that I’m at a loss for words, but I’m going to ahead and say it now: I can’t even.
Go riding!