Tuesday Video: Equine Photo Editing at High Speed
How DO equine photographers get those glossy magazine ads and print-worthy photos to look so perfect?
Thursday Video: Bad Donkey/Smart Donkey
Seriously, after you watch this video, you’ll never consider the term “bad@SS” or “smart@$$” the same way again.
Daily Dose of Adorable: Halt & Salute at X
What’s cuter than a young rider and pony embarking on their dressage test together? A young rider and pony performing a SYNCHRONIZED SALUTE.
#TBT Video: ‘Summer in Marbach’
Experience the sights and sounds of Germany’s 500-plus-year-old state stud at Marbach through the extraordinary lens of videographer Julien Guntz’ latest production!
Tuesday Video: Chincoteague Ponies Wait Out Hermine
These free-roaming ponies employ a tactic as old as time: gather up with your friends and wait it out.
Thursday Video: Pony Foal Rocks On
Some days, all you need to start your day off right is a video of the world’s peppiest pony foal.
2016 Best of HN #25: Jimmy Fallon & Kevin Bacon Sing the New National Anthem of Horse Nation
This one goes out to all the crazy horse people. Oh wait, that’s us.
Tuesday Vid: Stübben Saddle Ad Will Give You the Feels
This commercial’s been floating around the internet for awhile but it still never fails to make us feel all warm and fuzzy.
Thursday Video: ‘Suicide’ Hitch Rolls Again
Dave Rohrbach and the Bee Tree Trail boys are at it again — check out their performance of the five-horse “suicide” hitch at Walnut Hill!
Tuesday Video: This is How I Roll… Kinda
They see me rollin’, they hatin’ …
Thursday Video: Charlotte & Valegro’s Incredible Bond
It’s hard to deny that Charlotte Dujardin’s relationship with Valegro transcends normal human/equine partnerships. Check out her post-gold medal interview.
Tuesday Video: Dujardin and Valegro Like Never Before
… and the likes of which we kind of hope we never see again.
Thursday Video: ‘Jumping’ Pig is Adorbs
Olympic gold medal for this pig, please.
Tuesday Video: Behind the Scenes with Chris Burton
Get to know the man at the top of the standings after a wild cross-country day Monday.
USEF’s Video Will Get You All Pumped For the Olympics
This brief but eloquent video featuring dressage rider Laura Graves and show jumper Beezie Madden is basically everything our wide world of equestrian sport is about.
Gascon Horsemanship is Back … In a Minion Suit
We loved Michael Gascon as a T-Rex riding a Paso Fino … and we might love him even more as a Minion.
2016 Best of HN #11: The Haunting FEI Olympics Video
Words don’t often fail us, but they sure have this time.
Tuesday Video: Modern Mounted Archery
Mounted archery already enjoys a cult following, but its popularity is growing. Meet Lukas Novotny, a multi-champion mounted archer and bowyer.
Video: Veterans In Retirement
This heartwarming story of how Quincy, a retiring Army caisson horse, and veteran George Whitaker will enjoy retirement together might just bring a little tear to your eye.
Tuesday Video: Santi Serra Camps & His Liberty Arabians
Be captivated by the well-trained liberty horses of Santi Serra Camps, performing at Hamburg!
We’re always suckers for a well-trained liberty performance here at Horse Nation, but we have to admit that these special Arabians, under the training of Santi Serra Camps, might actually be our spirit animals: “Yes, we will perform, and we will be beautiful, but this is also a grass arena and we are hungry so we might snack a little.”
You do you, hungry Arabians. We love you all the more for it.
Check out more of Santi Serra Camps’ amazing liberty routines with horses and dogs by visiting his Facebook page! Go liberty, and go riding!
Thursday Video: Kids Will Be Kids
Don’t worry: no rambunctious Gypsy foals were physically injured in the making of this video — just their pride.
Tuesday Video: Billy to Rio Tries Dressage
Billy, a most unusual horse with big Olympic dreams, has been trying his hand — er, hoof — at various sports. He’s realized that, as a horse, he’s pretty good at equestrian events — such as dressage.
Video: Icelandic Horses Are the Friendliest
So discovered this tourist in Iceland, who walked out to video the landscape and instead found himself the object of inspection.
Tuesday Video: Tour de France Gets Horsepower
Put yourself in the saddle of this horse and rider and imagine you’re racing the world’s best cyclists through the French countryside!
This video clip has been making the viral rounds and for good reason — this horse and rider are enjoying the gallop of a lifetime, racing alongside the leaders of the Tour de France on a beautiful summer day. Imagine how exhilarating it must be to be thundering along beside the world’s best cyclists!
(Note: must be logged in to Facebook to view.)
The 2016 Tour de France started on July 2 and continues through July 24. The riders have completed through Stage 9; Stage 10 begins today, July 12.
Go riding!