According to Punxsutawney Phil, winter is still here for another five-and-something weeks. What better way to celebrate than with part two of the blanketing edition of “If Horses Were People?” (more…)
“In the first seven months of owning Leira, she colicked five times… Between each colic episode, we frantically tried to find answers and solutions.” Hailey Sinon shares her experience with a chronic colicker and how SmartDigest Ultra has helped. (more…)
Winter is here, and what better way to celebrate than with this classic “If Horses Were People” episode, where SmartPakers Sarah and Sara wondering what life would be like if horses were people?! (more…)
We know what to do to keep ourselves warm and toasty throughout the winter months, but what about our horses? What can we do to help them? Take a look at these tips from Dr. Lydia Gray, SmartPak’s Medical Director and Staff Veterinarian. (more…)
We just can’t get enough of hearing what everyone’s goals are for the coming year. That’s why today we are sharing the goals set forth by our good friends at SmartPak. Let’s crush 2022! (more…)
DeAnn SloanSponsored#SMARTPAKComments Off on SmartPak Monday Morning Feed: Duncan’s Therapy Routine (aka “The Full Franchi”)
Most of our horses get pampered much more than we do — and Duncan is no different. Check out this spa treatment he receives and let us know what you do to pamper your horse. (more…)
SmartPak’s “Stuff Riders Say” video series always hits the proverbial nail on the head. This one probably will hit close to home for those of us who may have unwrapped some… unique gifts from time to time. (more…)
Winter often brings about a number of undesirables — cold weather, mud, snow, rain… the inability to ride our horses as often as we’d like. But while we’re pining for more temperate weather, we can settle in with a good book. Take a look at these recommendations. (more…)
If you’ve ever had a horse on long-term stall rest, you know that keeping its brain busy (and its feet slow) can be a challenge. This week, SmartPaker Jessica Davis discusses her approaches to minimizing stall rest stress. (more…)
Halloween is over, which means it’s officially time to start thinking about the holidays. And who is more deserving of some holiday gifts than your horse? (more…)
It’s the week of Halloween, so it’s only fitting that we pay homage to all the things that send equestrians running to the barn in fear. From loose plastic bags to thrown shoes and unlatched gates, SmartPak brings us this classic video of stuff riders spook at. Try not to scream out loud.
If you’re looking to treat yourself (and your horse) or for an awesome gift for an equestrian, the SmartPak Soft Padded Leather Halter is just the thing. The high quality leather and contrasting soft padding are enough to spoil you and your horse! (more…)