SmartPak Monday Morning Feed: What To Expect When You’re Expecting… A Lameness Exam

So. There it is. Flicka is lame. Flicka has been lame for more than 24 hours and you know your pocketbook is about to take a hit. But Flicka gets what Flicka needs. So a lameness exam it is. Here’s what you can expect once you’ve called the vet. (more…)

SmartPak Monday Morning Feed: Product Review — Betty’s Best StripHair® Gentle Groomer™

Shedding season is in full swing. So any products to help move that along are a-okay by us. Here’s one such product that not only is great to help promote shedding, but also has benefits all year long. Check out Betty’s Best StripHair® Gentle Groomer™ Original For Horses. (more…)

SmartPak Monday Morning Feed: If Horses Were People — Broodmare Edition, Part 2

Foal season continues… which means it’s time for even more broodmare comedy in the second part of this “If Horses Were People” video from SmartPak. Sara and Sarah continue to imagine what life would be like if broodmares were people.  (more…)