Ah, those flowing manes and tails that romanticized videos of horses running along a beach are made of. Who wouldn’t want that? Sigh… Here are some tips on how to get your horse’s mane and tail looking the best possible.
It’s getting HOT out, folks. And show season is here. That means taking extra steps to keep our horses comfortable and performing their best. Here are seven of my summer show season tips. (more…)
Sunday, May 14th is Mother’s Day. Whether she’s got human babies, fur babies, or a combination of the two, here are some top picks for the favorite horsey mom in your life: (more…)
Show season and trail riding season are in full swing in the Northern Hemisphere. Are you and your horse ready to travel? Here are some handy horse trailing checklists: (more…)
In this Ask the Vet video, someone asks if it’s healthy to help their horse shed out or is it better to let the horse do it on its own. SmartPak staff veterinarian, Dr. Lydia Gray, gives her answer. (more…)
Spring is here! That means riders are dusting off their tack and getting back on the trails. That also means horse injuries and lamenesses are on the rise. Here are some tricks and tips for when you inevitably have to wrap a leg and/or tend to a wound: (more…)
Since spring has officially sprung, many people are wondering about pasture changes and how that can affect feeding your horse. In this classic Ask the Vet video, Dr. Lydia Gray addresses spring feeding needs. (more…)
Our friends at SmartPak have launched a new campaign that is all about our passion surrounding our horses. The get us because they are us. Check it out: (more…)
“I justify this ‘collection’ by repeating things to myself like, ‘it could be worse, I could have a gambling problem,’ and ‘one more saddle pad won’t hurt anybody.'” (more…)
For those who are lucky enough to live in dry climates — or even cold climates at this point — thrush isn’t that much of a concern right now. But for those of us in the throes of mud season, it’s a constant concern. (more…)
“… I was able to feel what a ‘real’ Dressage horse should feel like. It was so technical and such an amazing feeling to be able to sync up and ‘dance’ with the horses.” (more…)
DeAnn SloanSponsored#SMARTPAK, DSLDComments Off on SmartPak Monday Morning Feed: DSLD (Degenerative Suspensory Ligament Desmitis) in Horses
DSLD (Degenerative Suspensory Ligament Desmitis) is a painful and debilitating disease that plagues many horses. Read on to learn more about it and how to manage it.
If you’ve thought about seeking colic coverage for your horse, this is a must-read. SmartPaker Vivian Pilicy shares her perspective on ColiCare and its benefits. Read on to learn more: (more…)
The dust has settled and now that you’ve had time to survey the damage from holidays, maybe you’re left with a few boxes unchecked from your wishlist. Fortunately, the SmartPak Annual Winter Clearance Event is here. (more…)
Winter is here in full force. So even though it may be a bit late for some of us, there is much to consider for next year when it comes to blanketing our horses. Here’s what Dr. Lydia Gray has to say about blanketing horses and coat growth. (more…)
It’s time for another SmartPak recipe because our horses deserve some holiday treats, too! Here is a simple no-bake horse treat you can make at home. Your horses will thank you! (more…)
Weaving is one of those behaviors that can drive horse owners batty. But why do horses do it and how can you minimize it? Our friends at SmartPak are here with some tips. (more…)