Relief from flies, sound legs, strong muscles… and you’ll just have to read the rest of SmartPak’s “Top 10 Western Customer Favorites” to find out. (more…)
SmartPak Story of the Week
A big congratulations to Bernadette Kilcer for her winning contribution, “Intervention: We think you have a problem.” With 869 page views, it was the most-viewed guest submission of last week. (more…)
Monday Morning Feed from SmartPak
Good morning, Horse Nation! Hope the weekend left you refreshed and ready to break fast from the starting gate of your week. (more…)
SmartPak Story of the Week
A big congratulations to Dr. Jen Johnson for her winning contribution, “Ask the Vet: Generic vs. name brand drugs.” With 450 page views, it was the most-viewed guest submission of this week. (more…)
An Action Plan and a Bottle of Rain: One SmartPaker’s story of life in the path of a wildfire
Kassidy Burnett recounts the story of being 14 years old and watching helplessly as the Cerro Grande Fire crept toward her family’s home and animals. (more…)
SmartPak Story of the Week
A big congratulations to Glenn the Geek from Horses in the Morning for his winning contribution, “Top 10 Perks of Dating/Marrying a Horse Girl.” With a whopping 4,482 page views, it was the most-viewed guest submission of this week. (more…)
Dear SmartPak: Weight gain advice?
Dr. Lydia Gray of SmartPak advises a horse owner who has concerns about her horse’s recent weight loss following a cross-country move. (more…)
4th of July or the End of the World: Does your dog know the difference?
If your canine has a nervous meltdown when things go boom in the sky, consider these suggestions by resident SmartPak dog whisperer Meghan Law. (more…)
In the Tack with the Pak: Melissa, Ellie & Gateway
Is it possible to capture the bond between a horse and rider in words or film? SmartPak photographer Kristi Morrison-Clear humbly accepts the challenge. (more…)
SmartPak Featured Story of the Week
A big congratulations to Morgane Schmidt’s unhorsey boyfriend Louis for his winning comic, “The Idea of Order: Guest comic week!” (more…)
Dear SmartPak: What do western riders want most?
They want rid of the goshdurn flies, is what they want! (They want a few other things, too–find out what with this list of Top-10 Western Customer Favorites.) (more…)
Product Review: Bradley Full Seat Breeches by SmartPak
Wylie-tested and bunny-approved, we’re a big fan of the new house-brand breeches from SmartPak. Here’s the full report: (more…)
Dear SmartPak: What do hunter/jumpers want most?
Calm horses, slim thighs, super-cute belts and more (but isn’t that what everyone wants, really?), according to this list of the Top 10 Hunter/Jumper Customer Favorites. (more…)
SmartPak Featured Article of the Week
A big congratulations to The Riding Instructor for her winning story, “The Riding School: Teaching the canter.” With 470 page views, it was the most-read guest submission of this week. (more…)
Free Webinar from SmartPak: ‘Senior Strategies: Providing Care & Nutrition for the Aging Horse’
Own an older horse? Have questions about its health and care? SmartPak has answers. (more…)
SmartPak Featured Article of the Week
A big congratulations to Kristen Kovatch for her winning story, “In My Boots: Life lessons from McLain Ward.” With 941 page views, it was the most-read guest submission of this week. (more…)
Dear SmartPak: On the road AGAIN
Traveling this summer with your horse? Then you need to check out these tips for safe, happy hauling from our friends at SmartPak. (more…)
Dear SmartPak: Ticked off by ticks
Tired of unwanted, disease-carrying guests setting up shop on your horse’s body? So rude! SmartPak advises us on the most effective strategies for keeping bloodsucking bugs at bay. (more…)
Dear SmartPak: Does my horse need a multi-vitamin?
Answer: It depends. Today, SmartPak clears up some common horse-owner confusion about feeding grain and meeting a horse’s nutritional needs. (more…)
Dear SmartPak: How safe is long-term Bute use?
Answer: Not very. Dr. Lydia Gray suggests some Phenylbutazone alternatives for helping manage your horse’s arthritis. (more…)
Yum: SmartPak horse treat taste test
Some offices have vending machines. Other offices have, well, bags of horse treats. SmartPak’s Bjorn samples some banana-flavored snacks from the Cantering Chef. (more…)
SmartPak Featured Article of the Week
A big congratulations to Barbara Hamilton for her winning story, “Confessions of a Show Mom: Respect the trainer.” With 631 page views, it was the most-read guest submission of this week. (more…)