Grab a tissue, folks, because the story of Thunder, a beloved therapeutic riding horse who underwent colic surgery at the age of 27, just might jerk a tear or two from your eye.
Merry Christmas from all of us at Horse Nation, and our good friends at SmartPak! Have yourself a merry little Christmas laugh with this classic “Stuff Riders Say… On Christmas.”
When to geld, dealing with a locked stifle, the best way to administer joint supplements… and more! SmartPaker Sarah and SmartPak medical director Dr. Lydia Gray answer your horse health questions.
For show horses, horses in heavy work in the winter months or horses with specific medical conditions or concerns, a full or partial body clip may be necessary: SmartPak shows us how!
Blanket weather is coming! If your horse has grown, changed shape or you just want to be absolutely certain you’re getting the right size this year, don’t miss this helpful video from SmartPak.
“I think things should go horribly wrong if there were a wheelie.” Truth, friend. The latest edition of “Ask a Non-Rider” is here: don’t miss SmartPak’s non-riders commentating on this driving round!
Safe fruit and veggie snacks for your horse, poultice vs. liniment, knowing when a horse is ready to retire… all of these questions and more are answered in this month’s SmartPak Ask the Vet video!
What’s the difference between hoof hardener and hoof oil? How can you prevent equine sunburn? Are sugary treats okay to feed my horse? All these questions and more are answered in this month’s “Ask the Vet!”
What information is useful to keep in an equine journal? What are some good exercises to try on a hot day? These questions and more are answered in this month’s SmartPak “Ask the Vet” video!