Enjoy this humorous tale by one of our readers from a memorable New Year’s Day ride. Take it away Barbara! (more…)
Even though we may drool over the famous and fancy horses we see professionals riding, for many of us, our favorite horses are the more modest ones gracing our own backyards. Those humble and reliable steeds are often the ones that have the most to teach us. Here are 10 lessons from one such horse. (more…)
“Somehow, seeing those white strands helped me to understand that my horse is aging. My beautiful, sassy, occasionally high maintenance dance partner is getting older. I’ll admit, this small seemingly silly realization sent me into a bit of a spiral for a few days.” (more…)
“As long as I’m with the horses, there will always be good in the world, no matter how dark it gets inside my head, and no matter what my physical health problems throw at me.” (more…)
“Everyone has unique experiences, but not everyone has Dissociative Identity Disorder, and that is why I’m here. I’ve had this disorder for basically my entire life and it is a strange, difficult, and sometimes panic-inducing thing to live with.” (more…)
M and his crew are back, but this time the investigation is focused on M. Read on to learn how his DNA plays a crucial role in the story. This is part one of three installments. (more…)
“Lesson riders are the obvious second class citizens of any elite barn and it is made clear to us both in subtle and very obvious ways.” This reader submission discusses the hierarchy in riding and makes clear the barriers to entry in our sport. (more…)
“Sometimes we get so caught up in what we want to have happen or think should be happening that we can’t see what is right in front of us.”
“Everyone has a story. A story of the one horse that saved them, that taught them how to ride, or was just perfect in every way. This is my story of my perfect horse. The twist in the plot is that I never once sat on him.” (more…)
“My childhood wasn’t always easy. We didn’t have lots of ‘things.’ We didn’t have fashionable clothing or the leading brand names. We always had horses though. We always had a full life of adventure.”
…others get this.
Our featured reader-submitted video this week is from Eva McGuire, starring her horse Apollo!
One of the greatest things about the equestrian community is our willingness to help each other on the bad days. Texas eventer Natalie Kelly isn’t a charity case; she is a fellow rider in need.
Somebody call up George Morris, because seriously, you guys have got some talented dogs. (And cat.) (more…)