This week our in-house cowgirl Kristen Kovatch shines a light on two speed events that not only pit competitors against the clock, but against one another as well. (more…)
In My Boots: Starting from the bottom
This week Kristen Kovatch, western coach for the Alfred University Equestrian Team, expresses her excitement about this year’s bumper crop of beginner walk-jog riders. (more…)
In My Boots: Go east for western
This week our in-house cowgirl Kristen Kovatch reports back from Equine Affaire 2012, where she shopped, soaked in education, and witnessed some displays of horsemanship you truly have to see to believe. (more…)
In My Boots: Know your cowboy
Not all cowboys are built alike. From California Vaqueros to Texas cowboys to natural horsemanship practitioners, Kristen Kovatch explains that there are a hundred little variations between regions in America alone. (more…)
In My Boots: Brokeback Mountain
Broken withers? There’s an injury you don’t hear about every day. Kristen Kovatch got her introduction this week when her Quarter Horse came in from the field with five fractured vertebrae. (more…)
In My Boots: A week in the life
As an equestrian team coach at Alfred University, Kristen Kovatch’s existence is a whirlwind of nonstop activity. This week, she guides us through the lead-up to the team’s first show (which they totally rocked, btw). (more…)
In My Boots: In the driver’s seat
On paper, Kristen Kovatch is a trainer and coach of Alfred University’s western equestrian team. In reality, however, this “cowgirl” wears many hats. Here’s the story of her latest endeavor… (more…)
In My Boots: Beginner’s luck
With the help of her Alfred University students, HN’s in-house cowgirl Kristen Kovatch illustrates some common (and some just plain hilarious) beginner western riding mistakes. (more…)
In My Boots: All tacked up or, why my horse is wearing so much gear
In her continuing quest to enlighten us English folk about the mysteries of western riding, Kristen Kovatch offers this explanation. (more…)
In My Boots: Mad hatters
Not all cowboy hats are created equal, explains Horse Nation’s official western columnist Kristen Kovatch. She walks us through a few basic considerations of style and care. (more…)
In My Boots: Cowhorsin’ Around
Reined cowhorse, team sorting, cutting… it all sounds like a blast. This week, columnist Kristen Kovatch confirms our suspicions that, yep, being a cowgirl is as fun as it’s cracked up to be. (more…)
In My Boots: Size matters (sometimes)
What’s the ideal height of a western horse? HN’s in-house cowgirl Kristen Kovatch explains that it has less to do with rider stature than you might think. (more…)
In My Boots: Building the team
In addition to her mad writing and riding skills, Kristen Kovatch is the coach of Alfred University’s IHSA western team. This week team tryouts are being held, and Kristen is already looking forward to another year of challenges and, hopefully, rewards. (more…)
In My Boots: Dressing the part II
Last week, Kristen Kovatch admitted to having some serious English fashion envy. This week, she turns the tables, pointing out a thing or three that English riders could learn from Horse Nation’s cowboys and cowgirls. (more…)
In My Boots: Dressing the part
Baker plaid, Joules jerseys, polo shirt popped collars… this week our in-house cowgirl Kristen Kovatch admits to having some serious English fashion envy. (more…)
In My Boot: The O’Connors, cross-training
Our in-house cowgirl Kristen Kovatch takes a look back at Karen and David O’Connors’ infamous discipline switch-up at Rolex in 2011. (more…)
In My Boots: Work it, girl
Lights, camera… This week, HN’s in-house cowgirl Kristen Kovatch recounts her recent experience of being filmed while working a cattle drive.
In My Boots: It’s boots and chaps and cowboy hats…
…spurs and latigos. After four days of immersion in British-based Olympic eventing, Kristen Kovatch transports us to a very different world–and they call the thing a rodeo. (more…)
In My Boots: Big fish, small pond
“I had this show in the bag,” Kristen Kovatch thought, going into the ring at a recent horse show. Famous last words, every time… (more…)
In My Boots: Cowhorse deconstructed
This week, Kristen Kovatch takes us inside the world of reined cowhorses, breaking down a video of her own runs at a recent show. (more…)
In My Boots: Secret society
Kristen Kovatch takes us inside the world of equine academia, having recently attended the National Association of Equine Affiliated Academics national conference. (more…)
In My Boots: OK is OK
Kristen Kovatch returns from last week’s Interscholastic Equestrian Association National Championships with a white ribbon for her team and a renewed sense of what it means to be a coach. (more…)
In My Boots: Derby Party
Oklahoma City or bust! Kristen Kovatch prepares her team of New York youth for the Interscholastic Equestrian Association’s western national championships, to be held this week during the NRHA Derby in Oklahoma City. (more…)
In My Boots: Another four years
Could reining ever be an Olympic sport? Horse Nation’s all-things-western guru Kristen Kovatch makes a convincing case for “yes.”
In My Boots: It takes a village
Behind every great rider is a great teacher (or, more likely, a few great teachers). Kristen Kovatch takes Horse Nation along to a clinic with top reined cowhorse riderĀ Josh Veal. (more…)