Be still my heart, this cuteness overload is sure to leave you feeling warm and fuzzy!
“I have to put faith in the process, my veterinarian and most of all Buns that the interventions are helping… I want to know that my partner is going to be back at his full capacity, but the reality of it is, he may not be.” (more…)
Check out the awesome scenery from this helmet cam view as the rider canters her horse through the woods!
Well, this is one way to let yourself out! Toby wasn’t about to waste his day doing work when he could be frolicking with is buddies!
No, Karen, it is not acceptable for you to video the run in portrait view — and for goodness sakes, make sure you get our time!
Here’s an awesome perspective on a pole bending run. This helmet cam footage really illustrates how difficult it can be to navigate a pole pattern.
There’s a good time to be had by all when you get to play ball with one of your racehorses!
I immediately wanted to examine the damage. My mind raced…there was so much going on, from looking at it, there was no way to have known if it was broken. And then the vet dropped the bomb…
How would you like to ride on this facility in the nice footing with beautiful scenery surrounding you?
Prepare yourself for a good laugh with this video! There’s nothing better than a man in a horse riding costume making up his horse act.
Non-horse gentlemen, the following information may come as a shock to you, but here’s what you really need to know about dating a horse girl.
Check out this drone view of a rodeo bronc ride!
We assure you that eating dirt is not part of the event, but it is part of the practice.
“My goal for Buns since the day of his accident was to provide all the resources I had available to ensure his healing process was smooth and efficient…Around approximately week two post injury, proud flesh decided to rear its ugly head.”
Check out this drone footage of a rancher educating his colt! (more…)
We’re convinced that this horse was saying, “Hold the reins, Mom, and watch this!”
Watch as this group of horses is moved at a fast speed in circles at a festival in China!
When it’s said that racehorses are exposed to a lot at the track, that’s no joke. Especially in Australia!
This team makes ranch work look easy. Here’s what it takes to move a herd of horses!
Check out this patient horse, skilled horseman and awesome mount!
“I answered the phone, and unfortunately it was not just a butt dial. One of my worst nightmares was quickly becoming a reality.”
Check out how this lucky horse gets his workout for the day!
Watch as this not-so-innocent bystander takes this racehorse onto the track for a breeze.
Thank you to everyone who has supported us throughout our journey. (more…)
If riding in Gettysburg is on your bucket list, here are the pros and cons. If it’s not on your bucket list, it should be!