Thoroughbred Logic, Presented by Kentucky Performance Products: Confidence With Unpredictability

“The fear of getting hurt isn’t always something you can just get someone to kick on through, no matter how much you believe they and the horse can do what is being asked.”


Apps for Horse Trainers

“Fellow equestrian athletes have recognized that organization in the horse industry is crucial, and what better way to stay organized than on your phone. Thanks to these great entrepreneurs, there are several different apps that have been created specifically for trainers to help with organization, building communities, and optimizing horse health …” (more…)

Thoroughbred Logic, Presented by Kentucky Performance Products: ISO a “Safe” Horse

“What annoy[s] me so much about ‘safe’ is that it is unclear and massively subjective. My version of safe is not my client’s version of safe is not your kid’s trainer’s version of safe.” (more…)

Thoroughbred Logic, by Kentucky Performance Products: Demystifying ‘Spooky’ Season

“The wind, weather, and absurd Halloween tchotch (I’m looking at you you blow up dragons and 20-foot tall skeletons) do not create a spooky horse out of one who is usually brave. Rather, a consistent horse is one whose reactions are predictable …” (more…)