SmartPak Monday Morning Feed: Keeping My Horse Comfortable While Barefoot
When SmartPaker Val got her yearling, she hoped to keep her barefoot for as long as possible while the horse was growing. Read on to find out what she did to offer her horse as much support as possible. (more…)
5 Tips For Preventing Abscesses, Presented by Kentucky Performance Products
If you own horses, you know about abscesses. They can make your horse so lame that you’re sure a catastrophic diagnosis is on its way. But there are ways to prevent abscesses. Read on for more:
SmartPak Monday Morning Feed: A Year in the Life a Healthy Hoof
When you’re unhappy with your horse’s hooves, seeing improvement is an exercise in patience. Realistically, it can take a full year to see complete change. These photos can show what changes to expect over the course of a year as you move your horse toward healthier hooves. (more…)
Weekend Wellness: Consistency Is Key With Hoof Hydration
Tab Pigg, Certified Journeyman Farrier, Vettec, Inc., discusses how hoof hydration plays a role in hoof integrity — and what you and your farrier can do to maintain consistent hydration.
SmartPak Monday Morning Feed: Horse Hoof Bruising
Identifying and treating bruises in your horse’s hoof can be hard. SmartPak can help!
Weekend Wellness: Diagnosing Lameness in the Foot with Evention TV
Did your horse just take a wrong step or is he off? If he is off, is it in the hoof or up higher? These are the questions that keep us up at night. Horse Nation and Evention TV can help!
SmartPak Monday Morning Feed: Horse Hoof Abscesses
If you’re struggling with preventing or treating abscesses in your horses, this SmartPak video can shed some light on the topic.
SmartPak Monday Morning Feed: Hoof Cracks in Horses
Do you wonder if the cracks in your horse’s hooves are normal? Do you wonder what causes them and what to do about them? This video by SmartPak covers everything you need to know about hoof cracks in horses.
Foot Fetish: Hoof Health, Form & Function
Candace Wade interviews a couple of self-proclaimed “foot freaks” who live and breathe hooves and hoof health for the whole horse in any discipline.
Let’s Discuss: Abscesses
‘Tis the season for abscesses. Frozen pastures are ripe for bruising soft feet, and it doesn’t take much for those bruises to turn into pockets of festering nastiness. (more…)
Soggy Dogs, Dry Dogs: Managing moisture in hooves
HN Contributor Laura Cox shares practical advice for curing two common foot complaints. (more…)