If you’re the trail rider who looks for places with hundreds and hundreds of miles to ride, this one is for you!
Horses always have more to teach us. If we’re not being taught directly by the horses, we’re learning as we navigate things with our horses. This is especially true when you’re trail riding. Here are six life lessons learned on the trail. (more…)
If riding through a western town is on your bucket list, Love Valley, NC is a must!
If you’ve ever had the opportunity to ride on the beach, you already know this trip is well worth planning. Assateague Island met every single expectation I had of riding my horse on the beach.
If riding with elk is on your bucket list, Benezette, PA is a must!
If you’re looking for a place to spend several days riding without hitting the same attractions twice, Hocking Hills is a great destination!
If you’re looking for a place with some interesting history and beautiful trails, Beaver Creek State Park is a wonderful place to visit!