#TBT: 10 People Who Make More Than Horse Professionals
Horse professionals aren’t in it for the money, which is probably a good thing. Long hours, demanding clients, testy horses and little pay — it’s all part of the job. Here is a tongue-in-cheek look at some folks who likely make more than horse professionals.
SmartPak Monday Morning Feed: If Office Dogs Were People — Episode 1
If you like SmartPak’s series “If Horses Were People” (and who doesn’t?), you’ll love their series, “If Office Dogs Were People.”
Everyone Loves a Good Meme
Everyone loves a good meme, right? Or is it just me?
Thursday Video: Dressage Girls
“Daddies don’t let your daughters turn into dressage girls…”
Red Mare vs. Horsefly
Horseflies are a real pain in the you-know-what… until they aren’t.
Thursday Video: Quite the Rodeo Fan
This pooch loves the rodeo and his enthusiasm is sure to put a smile on your face.
If Horses Were Drinks…
Two horses walk into a bar… Well, maybe not. But this may make you laugh anyway.
7 Reasons Horses Are the Worst
In honor of National I love Horses Day, here are seven reasons why our equine pals actually drive us crazy.
Thursday Video: Les Goulus as the Horsemen
We all need a bit more of these horsemen in our lives.
#TBT: If Horse Shopping Were Like ‘The Bachelorette’ — A Love Story in GIFs
“Toss me in a room of 25 eligible show jumpers of all breeds…Thoroughbred, KWPN, Selle Francais… suddenly I understand how those girls are so happy all the time.”
3 Misconceptions Writers Have About Horses
Read, watch, roll your eyes.
3… 2… 1… Wipe Out!
“I totally meant to do that.”
We all love it when we catch our horses’ less-than-glamorous moments on camera. This video from Ester Jamison is a perfect example of a horse who “totally meant to do that” as he made his way casually to the gate. (Note: you must be logged in to Facebook to view this video)
Well played, Tucker. Well played.
Go Riding!
The 15 Greatest ‘Onion’ Horse Headlines of All Time
We’re an easy bunch to make fun of, apparently.
3 Horses That Take Grooming to a New Level
Some horses take grooming to a whole new level. They say the best ones are sometimes the most eccentric! (more…)
Horse Addiction Screening Quiz
The Office of Health Care Programs at Johns Hopkins University Hospital developed this screening quiz for alcoholics. We replaced the word “drinking” with “riding.” Find out if you have a problem with horses. (more…)
#TBT: Texts From My Horse, Part II
It’s a good thing horses don’t have smartphones, because if they did we’d all be in trouble. Carley Sparks shares a few examples. (more…)
#TBT: Texts From My Horse
It’s a good thing horses don’t have smartphones, because if they did…
7 Things Your Horse Could Sue You For
You might not think of horses as particularly litigious animals, but you’d be surprised. By Carley Sparks. (more…)
Carley Sparks: If horses sold themselves
Between unemployment and a depressed economy, times are tight — even for equines. This horse is desperate for a gig. (more…)
Lindsay Rausch: Early-onset symptoms of chronic horse-itis
Is your kid’s “horse thing” just a phase or a full-blown condition? Here are the top 10 ways to tell. (more…)