Apparently we are (once again) at that stage of the pandemic when people flock to their local Tractor Supply or Agway in order to buy Ivermectin. The funny tweets abound, but this has broken the internet. (more…)
Owning a gray horse has its perks, but come winter, every gray horse owner must face the inevitable: mud. Today, Kristen Brennan discusses the five stages of grief associated with facing the long, hard winter with a light colored horse. (more…)
When you’re selling a horse and talking to potential buyers, you might need a translator to understand what they really want and, more importantly, what they really need. Fortunately, Horse Nation is here to help with this guide to understanding horse buyer language. (more…)
Selling horses can be frustrating, entertaining and maddening, but buying horses can be downright frightening. So we at Horse Nation are here to help make things as easy for you as possible. Here is the definitive guide to horse sale ads (all meant in good fun, of course). (more…)
Horse Nation offers an exclusive look at what is perhaps the ONLY live competition in all of the UK for April 2020: the Aberporth Horse TrAils. This is coverage you won’t want to miss! (more…)
Sometimes we look back on our riding season and can’t help but admit that it could have gone better. Reader Judith Wilson does just that with her 2019/2020 hunt season. Thankfully, she has a sense of humor. Take it away, Judith… (more…)
If you’re like me, you have trouble remembering the names of the many, many bitting options on the market. Instead, it’s easier to remember them by what they should be called. (more…)
Our horses are our mirrors… right? Here is a look at what your horse — or at least your favorite breed of horse — says about you. A word of warning: this is in meant all in good fun, but if you are offended easily, this may not be the read for you. (more…)
We all have our guilty pleasures when it comes to watching TV shows with horses in them. Now here’s a tongue-in-cheek look at what some of those guilty pleasures say about you.