Yoga is an increasingly popular form of exercise, and with emphasis on flexibility, balance and deep breathing, it’s a no-brainer that yoga skills can help riding skills. Esther Roberts shares her yoga progress so far.
“I believe, for the vast majority of horsefolk, that our relationship with our horse is something special, almost sacred. The time we spend with our equine partner is far more than merely ‘riding.'”
Progress is so important — but equally so is looking back and taking time for reflection. Esther Roberts rewinds back to when she and Kaliwohi first came into each other’s lives.
Esther quiets some personal anxieties and makes the decision to take her mustang, only under saddle for 30 days, to a local dressage clinic, building confidence for both her horse and herself.
Esther Roberts continues to find inspiration from American philosopher William James, and applies his words to her weight loss process as a “bold, not old” horsewoman.
“I realized there are a lot of riders like me. Riders who are not young, but still active. Riders who are not thin, but striving to be more fit.” Introducing “Fat to Fit to First Level,” a new fitness and training column by Esther L. Roberts written for riders like her.