“But, like my friend and her horses, I, too, had to find the courage to be honest, sincere, and humble, and finally admit to my stubborn self that this relationship was not the right one for me. Or for my husband.”
“0323 was in a pen of about fifteen yearling geldings in the far back corner of the arena. 0323 — who would become known as Kaliwohi — was brave and curious, gentle and willing to accept change, to begin a relationship with a human.”
“For those of us who are not young and reckless and fearless, this is the beauty of horseback riding. When we get so completely attuned to our horse and his needs of the moment, any fear we may have felt simply evaporates.”
“As questions fill my mind and self-doubt begins to interfere with my inner peace (and, thus, my riding) I realize it is time to do what so many of us are loathe to do: ask for help.”