Best of Craigslist, Volume 45
In today’s edition: a few excellent horse trailers, a dubious trade offer and what’s sure to be a unique trail-riding opportunity.
Best of Craigslist, Volume 43
Can you believe our ‘Best of Craigslist’ series has seen forty-three installments? Neither can we.
Love it or hate it, Craigslist is clearly here to stay — and as long as there is Craigslist, there will be plenty of ads that leave you scratching your head, laughing out loud or maybe even picking up the phone to schedule a time to come buy an equine that pulled at your heartstrings. Here’s to hope!
We’ll kick things off with a couple of ads that are getting a little sideways (coincidentally, they’re both “registrard” horses as well!) Both are submitted by Christina: “You can rotate images, you know … ”
12 year old geilding 15’3 hands registrard American paint horse he saddles and bridles easy comes when called he is gental mostly dose trail rides but has been in some parades he is good for farrier and he also dose good with or with out shoes no health concerns great theeth and good with other animals he would make a great 4h horse 2,500
To their credit, they’re not bad-looking horses if you turn your head. We also agree that this guy is a total stunner — although we do have to laugh with Christina here as well: “I’m assuming it’s an older photo of this gelding as a young’un, but it still kind of cracked me up a little!”
14 year old Beautiful Registered (1/2) Friesian Sport Horse Gelding. Stands around 15.2hh. Not for beginners, just his presents scares most beginners and I do not want him ruined by one either. UTD on hoof care and shots. Teeth done and Vet check last month. This one can take you to the winners circle. Very flashy Dominate White 1/2 Friesian (reg.) 1/2 American White (Morgan) he has feathers too. And blue eyes. Very in your pocket, great ground manners, bathes and fly spray. Nice hard hoofs, Loads and hauls good. He has been shown, trained to pull a cart at age 3. Used for CMO’s Last year. Shown in 4-h, Trained in Dressage some years back. I am now using him for Cowboy Dressage He is awesome, sweet and willing to please, with just the right amount of Flash He rides bitless or with a bit. English, or western. I will not sell him to just anyone. He needs the right person. E-mail (calls are better as e-mails do not always make it through) or call 509 six 90 eight 457 I have lots of pictures on line. This horse is AWESOME! He has been trained with Natural Horseman methods. He does know his ground work and is a good willing boy. $6000.00 and a good home is a must. May consider trade for motorcycle, classic car, hunting equipment, gold, ?? I will not trade for another horse unless it is an awesome kick butt gaited and reg. trained gelding. And my boy is all that and more. (because of my back, hip and age I had to go gaited and this is the only reason he is for sale…Buy back contract required, home inspection required. This is a really special boy. Don’t miss out!
If this one ISN’T a scam, we’re shocked. Submitted by Donna:
Front Dressing Room with cabinets. great condition
Good Condition very well maintained
Front-line full-range projection Yj5v116o8u7
We’ll give credit to this seller who went the “professional endorsement route.” Submitted by Karly:
Wonderful quarter horse 8 years old, well trained, not by me. She is an amazing horse. 2 differrent farriers say so.
Yikes … we know ponies have the strength of a hundred men when necessary, but is riding this little guy really necessary? From Kendra:
This pony is very gentle and rides, it does very well around kids. still a stud but the most gentle stud you’ve ever seen call or text only
show contact info
$ 650 firm….. no kick and no bite. Beautiful pony and built like a little quarter horse and its healthy.
Well, at least the seller is telling it like it is. Submitted by Kaylene:
We’ll wrap things up with this total head-scratcher. We have so many questions: where was this zebra acquired? Is it really necessary to keep it a stud? WHY? From Jill:
Readers, if you run across an “interesting” ad in your Internet wanderings, send it our way! Email the link to kristen@nationmediallc.com. Who knows – maybe you’ll help connect a horse with a safe, loving home. Go Riding.
Best of Craigslist: Who Are You? Edition
When the text and the photos just don’t match, it’s awfully hard to know who you’re looking at. Welcome to ‘Best of Craigslist.’
It doesn’t matter if you’re looking at Craigslist, Facebook or one of the myriad of horse sale websites that exist out there: there are plenty of ads out there that just don’t add up. Here’s a sampling of these and many more bad ads from all corners of the horsey internet, sent in by readers!
We’ll kick things off with this Craigslist gem, submitted by Erika: there are said to be two ponies for sale. The other one is invisible.
I have two ponies for sale.
The price for both of them is $1000.
I believed you that the saddle was in fact for a horse. Sometimes, it’s just better to show it on a rack than on an actual animal. Submitted by Lisa:
Custom made saddle from England
Mfg: Black Country
Style: Frelsi
Size: 18W
This saddle is like Brand New! It has only been used 3 times.
No stratches, no wear and tear!
Paid $3,100
$2,400 Firm
Something is not right here. Submitted by Danielle:
Extremely sweet white Arabian mare. Vaccines up to date, teeth checked dewormed, new shoes. No papers. Green broke. Clips, ties, trailers stands for ferrier, very sweet and calm temperament. doesnt bite/ kick will make perfect project and trail horse. If you are interested in having her bred to my prize Grullo Morgan stallion to get a Morab foal than that can be worked into the sale for half the stud fee..
I’ve decided that Craigslist-ese is really its own language. Have fun interpreting this one, submitted by Courtney:
I have two year old frazion Cross he will ride work single or double I will show asking 2800 cash only
The same could be said for this ad: please translate. Submitted by Sherrie:
Pony horse for sale. 1 year and ahalf old. Tammed great with kids. No bites nor agressive behavior. Can ride with or without seat. Loves to be hugged. Female a year and ahalf old. Text or call is ok. English/spanish. Chris.
Honorable mention — not a real horse, yet it still follows our theme of photos and text that just doesn’t match. Submitted by Lynn: “I don’t even know where to start. First, not a palomino, but then look at its eyes … I might have nightmares”
The “Evil Craigslist Pony” trope claims another victim — submitted by Carrie:
Believe it or not, most computers do allow you to rotate photos. Submitted by Brett:
You know what they say: sun’s out …. never mind. We’ll just file this under “wildly inappropriate riding apparel.” Submitted by Brittany:
We’ll close out this week’s collection with this masterpiece. Click the photos below the ad to open the gallery. Submitted by Hannah: “There was not actually any info on the photos, as stated in the ad … just pictures and no information.”
Readers, if you run across an “interesting” ad in your Internet wanderings, send it our way! Email the link to kristen@nationmediallc.com. Who knows – maybe you’ll help connect a horse with a safe, loving home. Go Riding.
Best of Craigslist: Believe It Or Not Edition
Hey, you don’t need us to convince you that these ads are real — we’re way too familiar with the magic of Craigslist at this point.
Craigslist shows us the power of make-believe: you can either believe that these ads are for real, or you can imagine that someone’s just trying to play a very elaborate joke. (Or, you know, maybe they really, really can’t spell.)
We’re going to kick things off with this little gem, submitted by Grace:
Born in 2000. He is a paint pinto double registered. He was born on the farm I’ve had him his whole life. His name is Taz. I just don’t have time to ride him anymore. This horse is like a dog. He is the best horse around. Kid friendly anything you want this horse will do. I won’t take a penny less for him cuz he is so awesome.
Erika brings up a valid question: “Couldn’t get just a bit closer for this picture??”
We agree with Caroline: these sellers are a bit confused — this is not a horse, nor is it a bridle …
This sale is for a high quality saddle that looks new. It is for a medium size horse, it comes with no reigns, straps bits, etc, Only what is shown on the included photos, Call
The horse in this ad actually sounds like a nice girl (click to open a new window with the full ad). The headline, on the other hand … submitted by Danielle:
This mysterious pony/horse in the mist defies comprehension, submitted by Laurel:
Half horse half pony, she hasn’t been ridden in a few year’s, beautiful horse, 800obo call or text for more info
This next ad is actually totally legit, but we thought we’d throw it in just because the form of payment is pretty funny and at this point we need a little comic relief. Submitted by Kristin:
A great pile of aged horse manure is now available. a combination of horse manure and sawdust…..brought to you courtesy of Prince and B
Has been sitting under a tarp for the past 2 years…warm and full of worms. Come and get it.
The horses would like you to bring either a bag of CARROTS or a bag of apples to pay for their services………………. in one end, out the other!
We need someone to buy this horse just to save him from some bad tacking-up skills. Submitted by Martha:
Let’s see that a little closer …
No price set on this guy, just looking to see what kind of offers are about to come pouring in. We’ll get right on that. Submitted by Kit:
We’ll leave you today with this mystery: what is Kid Rock doing schooling this horse shirtless while wearing a fedora? (No, it’s not actually Kid Rock … at least, we don’t think it is.) Why are the stirrups so short? Why is there a $22,000 “adoption fee?” Submitted by Carrie:
Readers, if you run across an “interesting” ad in your Internet wanderings, send it our way! Email the link to kristen@nationmediallc.com. Who knows – maybe you’ll help connect a horse with a safe, loving home. Go Riding.
7 Craigslist Christmas Ponies
Lord help us all.
#1: Snow white “except the mud” pony mare” named French Fry for the win.
“French Fry” is a snow white “except the mud” pony mare that is just the pony for them little cowboys and cowgirls that need bombproof and puppy dog gentle. She does ride on her own without leadline and is just one step at a time slow poke when she does. She has been a party pony and used on a pony carousel. She’s perfectly safe as a backyard pony and one they can spend hours playing with even if they are not riding her. They can climb on her over her under her all the things a little one is gonna do till they learn better. She is 12 hands tall and 13 yrs old. We are asking $550 for French Fry and $250 for the brand new saddle that is on her in the video. It is a 12 inch buckskin stiched American made saddle and been on pony one time. Located at Gilmer Tx.
#2: The pony is cute, but the kid forced against his will to hold him? Priceless.
Three ponies for sale. I gelding and two mares. Just in time for Christmas, Contact Andy for an appointment. Each ready to ride….. $450 EACH
#3: They’ll “throw in a Jack Ass for free!”
Grade Horse, Walking Horse. Hasn’t been rode much in the last year. We have too many and one has to go! Easy catch, very gentle. We will even throw in a Jack Ass for free! Up to date on all shots, coggins, worming. Hoofs trimmed every six weeks. We call him Buddy Redford! Serious inquires only Email me if interested.
#4: Maybe healthy, maybe not?! Maybe leadline broke, maybe not?! Maybe comes with tack, maybe not?! You should buy this pony, or maybe not?!
#5: Another truly Craigstlist-y Craigslist sales photo.
9 year old register miniature bay gelding. Great disposition with lots of personality. 38″ tall. Can be ridden. No kick bite or buck. Very nice little horse for kids. Has had some experience driving, but is not yet a finished carting horse.
#6. Imagine the look on your horse-crazy child’s face when you tell her you got her a pony and then…
Little Tikes Ride on Pony… that is. For a boy or a girl.
Great ride on toy. Bounces up and down to make it move. Horse is loved… Mane and tail are a little matted but still really cute.
#7. “Rode many a kid…”
Readers, if you run across an “interesting” ad in your Internet wanderings, send it our way! Email the link to kristen@nationmediallc.com. Who knows – maybe you’ll help connect a horse with a safe, loving home. Go Riding.
Best of Craigslist: ‘SMH’ Edition
Sometimes, all you can do is shake your head and walk away. Other times, shake your head and then run out and buy some of these horses. Either option goes.
Another week, another round-up of the Best of Craigslist. Bad spelling, creative photography and plenty of “shaking my head” moments await you. We hope you’ve had your coffee this morning.
We’ll kick things off with this young horse sent in by Christina: we know next to nothing about the horse itself, but we do know it comes with a purple halter.
Hello I have a beautiful young philly she is 19 months. She is friendly, halter broken and can lead. She is a little skittish wth the fly spray but other than that does great. She has a purple halter and lead. A grooming brush,two salt blocks and the mosquito spray. If you would like more info on her don’t hesitate to give me a call or txt with questions thanks.
Apart from the other odd spellings and inspiring choice of photograph, this ad from Lynn begs an important question: “Is it fifty thousand dollars or five hundred o’clock?”
Just as an aside, Craigslist allows you list as many ads as you like, all for free… just saying. From Jenna:
This saddle ad is pretty bad in and of itself… but once you start to play “I Spy” with the rest of the photo, you too may laugh to see what’s being used as a saddle stand, as pointed out by Susan:
This ad comes with a disclaimer before you start thinking the horse might be aged… from Kimmy:
There’s a lot of things we could say about this next ad, but we’re just going to leave it here and let it speak for itself. From Gabrielle:
2 year old first time in saddle dun good we just don’t need him he is a guiding need more time than i have for him
No, really, the photo does show the stud pony. From Jaye:
Offering a miniature stud colt pony. Approximately 6 months old. Dark with white socks. First 100$ takes it. He is at the back, can send better e mail pics if interested
Speaking of ads where the photo doesn’t quite match the text, Emma points out, “So easy to catch, here are pictures of him running away with lead still attached!”
Levi has a huge personality, loves attention easy to catch, stands for farrier. He is green broke need someone who can ride him on a regular basis. I think he might turn gray. The inside of his tail is gray and he has thousands of grey hairs throughout his body. He is 15.1 hands and 4 years old. you will
fall in love with him. He
definitely will be a $3,500
horse with hours put on him I
hate to see him go. I can except credit card for full or partial payment.
But it gets weirder… from Kimmy:
…and weirder, also from Kimmy:
This wanted ad definitely gives us a great idea of what the buyer is looking for. From Kaity: “I don’t think they could be any more vague!”
From Kimmy:
She has a very explosive attitude. Should you be an experienced rider looking for a somewhat challenging proposition, she is the horse for you. She is a large (15.2ish hands) Palomino Paint with the attitude of both! She doesn’t care for trailers or training. She prefers to be sat on and not moved. She has been known to be stubborn and quite abstinent mixed with a bit of an explosive temper tantrum every now and again. She loves to flex her neck and refuse to push forward and as for backing, if you like rearing in the air; you got it. She does have some wonderful traits; she is a lover and a snuggler and quite polite when being led. She stands for the farrier and doesn’t mind being groomed and beautified in the least. She plays well with others of her species and humans on the ground. The reason for us selling her, she would be a great jumper since keeping her in our split fence round pen during training only encourages her to jump over the fence and go graze in the backyard. Experienced riders only call, no meat grinders or horse flippers. She would do great with someone with the expertise she needs to become an amazing lady. Serious inquires only. Call or text 8 one 2 five seven seven 77 nine zero
Craigslist had a special this month on rearing young horses, as evidenced by this ad from Jenny:
3 yr old Rare Chincoteague Pony. Blood line out of Misty’s Flash Flood. She is from the line of “Misty” the Disney Movie. Registration paper’s are filled out with all information to registrar her, just have never sent them in. She’s about 11 hands high. Halter broke & lead line broke. Not broke to ride yet. Foaled date May 26, 2012, her name is Claire. Coggins test negative done on 6-24-2015. Up to date on all her shots.
Please research Chincoteague Ponies. They are rare. The following stats are from the Chincoteague Chamber of Commerce reference the sale of the Chincoteague ponies each year.
Price history for ponies:
2015 – 61 ponies sold (including 12 buybacks), average cost $2,780.00 (Record), high bid $25,000 (Record), low bid $500, total sales $169,519
2014 – 54 ponies sold, average cost $2,772.23, high bid $21,000, low bid $750, total sales $149,700
2013 – 54 ponies sold, average cost $2,161.58, high bid $12,000, low bid $650, total sales $116,725
2012 – 67 ponies sold, average cost $1,442.16, high bid $7,200, low bid $400, total sales $96,625
She is full of energy and young, with great possibilities , she has not finished filling out or growing. She does have a bad habit of nibbling so that needs to be broke but I have not noticed any other issues. Needs someone who has the time to spend quality time with her . As a 3 yrs old she is full of potential with good handling. Or she would make an wonderful companion horse. Hoping for a good sweet home for this pretty girl. Have added a picture of her backside standing next to a 15 hands high horse to give you a better idea of her size & height. Also have her blood line in picture, all the info needed if you desire to register her. Cash only please. We do not have a trailer so she will need to be picked up. Thanks.
… and this ad from Kimmy. To be fair, this seller explains the rearing photo… but why include it in the first place??
$300.00 ….Rocky Mountain 4 month old filly on grass and grain she will make a good 15 hh horse I have been working with her to build her confidence she is fine once caught and petted all over I have crawled front to back and back to front between her legs hasn’t kicked yet she’s jumpy til caught ive been picking all of her legs up grabbing at her tail just trying to go all around her to get her use to me I can back up to her behind push on it with no worries of getting kicked yet still needs more time on her and just petted to death which is what I do for hours every day have been for about a week and half now shes turned out on pasture everyday and brought in twice a day to the barn for grain and working i’d like her to have a good home with other babies and someone that can give her the time and attention she needs
bathed her today…tied her. …and lead her… she done well and handled her all around shes doing really going and ill continue workin with her daily until sold the last pic was her first reaction to the sprayer soon as it hit her but once she saw what it was … just a bath lol she got used to it♥
And our last “shaking my head” ad comes from Becca:
We have for sale a 14 year old unregistered Tennessee Walking Horse gelding . Otis is a nice black gelding that stands around 15 hands tall barefoot. This is one of those hard to find been there and done that kind of horses. Otis is absolutely safe for any level of rider no matter their experience or age . He is a extra broke horse that has been trail rode his entire life and will go any and everywhere that he is pointed. Otis has a smooth gait that you would enjoy to ride . He is the type of horse that we all need because anyone in the family or any of your friends that come over can ride him. Stack as many kids as you want to on his back and just turn them loose and they can have tons of fun.
*Due to Craigslist not allowing anyone’s video’s to be accessed, here is how you can get to our videos…go to www.youtube.com/user/tristabrown166 and you will find all of our videos. Look for the video of “Otis”
We’ll close this week’s “Best of Craigslist” with a reminder of why we continue this series: we love giggling at a bad ad as much as the next horse lover, but the reality is that this column can also be used to unite horses in need of good homes with the caring, loving potential owners who can provide one. We’ve featured some “Best of Craigslist” success stories in the past, and we’d love to do it again. This ad comes from Jenna, who stated that “this ad is more sad than funny.”
Twh/qtr horse gelding he’s around 17 18 if not older not exactly sure on age can’t afford to keep him he needs weight put on him he is broke he came from a kids camp he would need some work to get him back into riding he must go to a home with alot of grass
Readers, if you run across an “interesting” ad in your Internet wanderings, send it our way! Email the link to kristen@nationmediallc.com. Who knows – maybe you’ll help connect a horse with a safe, loving home. Go Riding.
#TBT: Best of Craigslist — Face Palm Edition
For this week’s #TBT, we’re bringing back the Best of Craigslist. From spelling errors to bizarre trades to just plain bad ideas, this one’s got it all. (more…)
Best of Craigslist: ‘Slow Clap’ Edition
Sometimes we run across an ad so honest, so forthright, so “did they really just say that?” that there is nothing left for us to do but slow clap.
Best of Craigslist: Selfie Edition
“I’m trying to sell my horse. But first, let me take a selfie.” (more…)
Best of Craigslist: ‘Spelling Is Hard’ Edition
This week on Best of Craigslist: a “philly,” a “male filly,” a couple “1/4 horses,” a horse that knows how to “laydowns” and “sitts,” a “true horse whisper” and much, much more!
Best of Craigslist: ‘Lord Help Us All’ Edition
I’ve been letting this stuff pile up in my inbox for a week and now it’s time to unleash an extra-large heaping of horrifying horse ads upon Horse Nation. Here it comes… are you ready?
It’s OK to be scared. Here we go! First, this gem from Erin:
To the previous poster, good luck! Here’s another ISO ad from Tiffany: “These people really need a stall :)”
I am still seeking a stall to board a 10.2 hand 10 year old pony mare Haf/shetland cross. Easy in the stall. Not hard to take care of. I only need a place for max 2 months. I am waiting for a stall to open up at my facility where my other horses are kept. Because she is so small and needs little care, I am hoping to find her a place that charges less than they would charge for a full size horse. She is a rescue and literally we snapped her up before she went on the slaughter truck. Please..if you have a place in your barn for a little girl, even if you arent a boarding barn, would you please contact me? I live in Campbell Ohio and would like to stay in a 30 minute drive. (baby is not coming)
I need full care. I can clean the stall if necessary or even buy grain but I have no way of getting hay to the place, nor being able to come out twice a day to feed and water.
This one, from Tasha, is scary on a whole different level:
Sea Biscuit is my pride and joy. I love him with all my heart, and you will too. he is just a bundle of joy. He is kind of retarded though. Ol’ biscuit is always running into fences and other horses butts. I sometimes question his sexuality, but he is really kind and loving at heart.
Joke? Serious? Hard to tell. Another bad pony ad from Izabella:
6 year old mini mare in foal. Due around Christmas. Very well mannered, loves children, rides, washes, and stands to have her feet done. She is a great little mare. She would make a wonderful Christmas present. Will hold till Christmas. $600.00.
Saddling — you’re doing it wrong, from Cory:
Let’s move on to some horses, shall we? Here’s a nice “genital” horse from Priscilla:
I have a nice 5 yea1r horse for sale he is broke and genital as they come he has never offer to hump or buck he will make a nice family horse call for more information
And this thoroughbred quarter horse who-knows-what-breed racehorse:
This tack fail showed up in our inbox with the note: “I really can’t figure out what that have on the palomino… is that a sideways halter? At least she’s good on a ‘leash.'”
— Palomino filly 3 years, beautiful and gentle, loves to brushed and touch everywhere, follows very well on a leash. $ 500
— Poulin paint 3 colors, 2½ years, very quiet and nice, not dominant, follows very well on a leash. $ 500
— Canadian gelding, 8 years old, rider 4+, good both for beginners and for experienced rider, very soft and very patient but energetic if asked. $ 1,000
From Emily: “Here’s a nice Belgium horse for sale.”
From Erin: just a “slight hoof problem.”
And a couple interesting headlines from Joye. Seriously, what is going on in the first ad? Are they taking a nap together?
From Leah… not a Craigslist ad, but we weren’t sure where else to put it! Leah writes, “Right now on Zulily! How cute! I kinda want a pair!!!!”
And one more not-Craigslist-but-we-couldn’t-resist ad from Megan: “This HAS to be the most ridiculous ad I’ve ever seen… They still have poop on them!”
As seen on Etsy:
Readers, if you run across an “interesting” ad in your Internet wanderings, send it our way! Email the link to wylie@horsenation.com. Who knows – maybe you’ll help connect a horse with a safe, loving home. Go Riding.
Best of Craigslist: The Christmas Pony Ads Begin
Lord help us all.
Let’s kick off the show with couple ads sent in by Susan, one wanting a horse and one selling a pony. Maybe they can work out a deal?
I hope not. Here’s some more classic Facebook horse trading for ya, sent in by reader Danielle:
No saddle? We can fix that! Here’s one from Jenni — it even comes with “brakes”:
I can’t even. Here is what appears to be a two-legged Percheron, sent in by Ruth:
And this one from Donna: “Notice the disclaimer at the bottom.”
Magic is a cute little mare- about 18 years old, but still full of energy. She’s a little offer 14 hands high. She has no bad habits, good in a herd, barefoot and sound w/t/c. Not mare-ish. She neck reins wonderfully and safe for an advanced beginner. Feel free to call, text or email with any questions! Price Neg.
*There’s a small chance she’s bred
And from Heather: “It must be a pegasus… wingly?”
baby wingly female horse nice looking to find a great home – $250 (white city)
IHave a female baby horse that was born last year we need to find a home for her she needs to be trained she’s ready to be trained it could be a companion horse please serious inquiries willing to trade for good grass hay or alfalfa Or send me an offer
Last but not least, from Sherrie: “A 17 year old arthritic herdbound gelding that you MUST NEVER EVER REHOME (even though this owner is rehoming…). Also has excellent bloodlines and will live a long time. What a deal!”
17 year old, register quarter/ thoroughbred. Majestic Mystique aka Moses. He is a great grandson of legendary Kentucky derby winner Swaps 1955.
Moses is kind and sweet. I can no longer ride and he is just going to waist. He has not been ridden in 3 years due to my multiple neck and back surgeries.
He used to be a dressage horse but for 9 years that I’ve owned him, he was a great trail horse. Bless his heart for all the Halloween costumes this horse has been in!
He is excellent at most everything!! However since he hasn’t been rode in 3 years, I think he is herd sour and may have arthritis. I would have classified him as a kid horse a few
years ago but now NO. He is still sweet and kind but needs a refresher course . I’m rehoming ($400) to an approved home only and he is not to be resold! If you cannot
keep him for the remainder of his life then don’t bother to call or email me. Yes you will have to sign a horse sale agreement! He is very special and deserves only the best. He has excellent bloodlines
and will live for a long time. He is great to trailer load, great for the farrier, great with a water hose etc… Call me only if you can love this great horse for the rest of his life.
Readers, if you run across an “interesting” ad in your Internet wanderings, send it our way! Email the link to wylie@horsenation.com. Who knows – maybe you’ll help connect a horse with a safe, loving home. Go Riding.
Best of Craigslist: ‘Very Rare Reindeer’ Edition
Someone is trying to sell Rudolf on a horse sales website. For a million dollars.
Best of Craigslist: ‘Mini Horse in a Minivan’ Edition
Today’s lineup: an unorthodox horse trailer, a not-English saddle, a bombproof saddle, a 16.5-hand paint, a 6-hand thoroughbred, a gated horse, a classic Craigslist selfie, and more!
Best of Craigslist: ‘Oh No They Didn’t’ Edition
Today’s lineup: an appaloosa pony who should be sainted, a $65,000 Shetland pony, a seriously broke paint, “thourghbred stud” a match made in hell and — wait for it! — a “huge genital horse.”
Susanna sent us this ad with the note: “Found this little guy’s ad. I don’t have much to say, except I hope a better home gets him soon!”
Snoopy is 10 years old, around 40″ tall. We have rode this little gelding everywhere you can ride a big horse. He’s very gentle and easy to catch. The kids have took him swimming in the pond. They have rode him down the roads and in the woods. We have even lead little bitty kids around on him. He will lope off and stop good bigger kids have really rode him hard, he’s pretty broke for a pony.
You can’t see it in the photos but I’m pretty sure that pony has a halo. Speaking of ponies, Leah sent us this one from EquineNow.com: “I love the questionable grammar, clearly accidental price, and incongruous photo. It’s the full package!”
Advertising at its finest. Here’s another ad that leaves much to the imagination, from Jeaniene:
The next one is from Theresa — well broke, indeed!
WHY?!?!?!? This poster of this ad won’t be winning any spelling bees anytime soon:
Casey sent us this one for a yearling that’s for sale because things weren’t working out with its owner, a 9-year-old kid — surprise, surprise!
And now, the grand finale from reader Ella:
Readers, if you run across an “interesting” ad in your Internet wanderings, send it our way! Email the link to wylie@horsenation.com. Who knows – maybe you’ll help connect a horse with a safe, loving home. Go Riding.
Best of Craigslist: ‘Horse Training’
Can’t say I’m familiar with this particular training method.