This week, Liz Barnard introduces us to a modality called CranioSacral Therapy, a light, subtle therapy involving the spine and nervous system. (more…)
A Better Alternative: The name game
This week, Liz Barnard differentiates between three holistic modalities–massage, chiropractic and bodywork–and considers what it means when the lines between them get blurred. (more…)
A Better Alternative: Bach Flower Remedies
Cocktail or healing concoction? Liz Barnard investigates the impact of flower-water-alcohol remedies on horses and humans alike. (more…)
A Better Alternative: Vibrational remedies
This week Liz Barnard investigates vibrational remedies for equine use. Might we have finally found an alternative modality that’s a little too “woo-woo” for our columnist? (more…)
A Better Alternative: Homeopathy
This week Liz Barnard investigates homeopathy for equine use. Can a few droplets or tiny beads of a substance’s “vital force” really cure what ails a 1,200-pound animal? (more…)
A Better Alternative: Aromatherapy
Some people swear by aromatherapy; others think it smells like a bunch of bunk. Horse Nation’s alternative modalities guru Liz Barnard weighs in. (more…)
A Better Alternative: Herbal essences
Herbs can be helpful, but but before you start dumping tiny baggies of all-natural “magic” into your horse’s grain make sure they’re safe and competition legal. By Liz Barnard. (more…)
A Better Alternative: Choosing a practitioner
How do you know if an alternative-care practitioner is legit? Liz Barnard provides some guidelines concerning accreditation. (more…)
A Better Alternative: Who you gonna call?
A) The vet, B) the body worker, C) the chiropractor or D) Ghostbusters. (Hint: The answer is not D.) Liz Bernard helps you decide. (more…)