A fascinating blend of mythology and archaeological evidence, today we explore the legendary warrior women of ancient Scythia and Sarmatia, renowned for their equestrian prowess and fearsome reputations. →
Well, at least it’s one way to travel… →
Today’s Throwback Thursday takes a look back at attorney Kjirsten Lee, J.D.’s column on veterinary malpractice. →
Because what better way to get your cardio in than by trying to catch your steed for a →
“Thoroughbreds, according to the color Karens, can be bay, chestnut, gray, brown and sometimes maybe even true black. The rest? Must be a sham.” →
There’s no such thing as too much glitter! →
The ruling is being regarded as a landmark decision. →
On Mythbuster Monday, we tackle a variety of equestrian myths to either bust or confirm. Today’s discussion: Mud is beneficial to a horse’s hooves and skin? →
Enjoy these two photos of trail horse extraordinaires! →
Like humans, horses cough. But when is it time to worry? Read on for more. →
Because some days and some activities should be optional. →
Three Mares has officially launched. Their mission is to give away 100% of their profits to causes that help athletes with the emotional, physical, and logistic challenges of their sport. In the next 10 years, they’re committed to donating at least $1,000,000.00. Read on for more about this inspiring company. →
Hello, spring? When will you be arriving? →
In a horse world in which it seems that everyone feels the need to assert their opinion, the opposite is also true: how do you back up your beliefs when a more experienced horse person tries to tell you you’re wrong? →