Can I Get a Hoof With This Thing?: Contributor Guidelines
If you are a business looking to submit a sponsored post, you can get more information here. Or email us at If you’re not, read on!
Horse Nation is a community project that thrives on reader submissions. Here’s what you need to know about contributing.
We welcome personal essays, news stories, humor pieces, profiles/interviews, how-to articles and other non-fiction works, as well as art, cartoons and photography.
We do accept submissions online. If you would like to contribute, please send your submission as well as a brief bio to the Managing Editor, DeAnn Long Sloan, at We consider each submission on spec. Writing submissions should be no more than 1,000 words. Previously unpublished work only. We reserve the right to edit stories for length and content.
We try to read every email as soon as possible, but if your submission is time sensitive, please say so in the subject line as well.
If your submission is accepted, we’ll contact you as soon as possible with more information. There is no payment for online stories.
Bio: Please enclose a brief (2-3 sentences) biographical sketch at the end of your story so that we will have it on hand if we publish your article.
Art: We encourage writers to provide illustrations or digital photos to accompany their work, although it is not required.
Response time: We try to respond to all submissions promptly, but due to the volume we receive it is not always possible to do so. Please be patient, as it can sometimes take several days for a response. If it has been more than two weeks, feel free to assume we were not able to use it and to submit it elsewhere.
Columnist Opportunities: We are always open to adding new weekly, bi-weekly and monthly columnists to the Horse Nation roster. If you are interested in contributing on a regular basis, please make mention in your email and include a description of your proposed column theme. We will keep you in mind for future availabilities.
Thank you for your interest, and Go Riding!
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