Or at the very least, depressing news… →
Much more amusing to foist upon others rather than yourself. →
Hint: It doesn’t include ‘how to fill my copious amount of free time.’ →
We all know how this plays out. →
Your springboard into the Spanish Riding School… →
The unintentional kind… →
Or rather, sNOw men… →
Often a bad idea. →
We often see what we look for. →
The very best kind. →
Totally reasonable and rational. →
My old friend… →
An Exercise in Futility… →
Takes on a whole ‘nother layer of meaning with horses. →
Horses make for a lot of it. →
Bleeding is a minor detail. →
Alas, sometimes the Universe has a twisted sense of humor. →
When you cross a pup tent with a bad idea… →
Head South while you still can! →
Are usually ‘famous’ because they’re so incredibly fallible… →
And there will be many… →
Horse Show Edition… →
Pretty sure riding them warrants its own HBO series… →
And make no mistake that *they* know. →
Seems legit… →