Different points of view can all be valid. →
Depends which coast you call home. →
Psh, we’re just an optimistic bunch. →
I was lied to about how ‘fun’ this was gonna be… →
…seriously, this could save lives. →
…because we’re NEVER that hard to decipher. →
…for real. →
…who knew? →
…comes Snud. →
It’s the happening place to be apparently… →
Apparently those are a thing, yes? →
Happy New Year! Morgane Schmidt Gabriel has been keeping the horse world in stitches with her cartoons here →
And I don’t mean the fun kind. →
Could be zombies… could be a hungry pony. →
A comprehensive list. →
*Hint* One of us has it a lot easier… →
…there are truly many. →
…but I wish it weren’t. →
And so there was… at 3:00 pm. →
Just one more insane thing we equestrians do. →
Might as well be Death himself waiting in the wings. →
#AutumnWarmbloodProblems. →
No, it isn’t the risk of falling asleep from boredom. →
They must have them… sort of… →