You know you’ve been here… →
An epic horror film or sad reality? →
The newest fad in ‘cleansing’…? →
Special at best… →
In all aspects of life, but particularly horses. →
Particularly this last week in the equestrian world… →
Equestrian Version. →
Before and After a Show… →
Another time eating black hole. →
AKA How to get lost in a time warp. →
No, seriously. I’m sure they’d be best sellers too. →
My money is on the mare, hands down. →
If I didn’t have horses I could probably afford to be fashionable too… →
Because everyone should at least FEEL productive… →
Wine is a fruit, yes? →
These seem more accurate. →
Further proof my gelding is a weirdo. →
Spiders? →
Or at least my horse thinks so. →
And hair, and mud… my laundry thanks you. →
Except probably not so much. →
Grab some wine and settle in… →
The quickest way to gross out your non-equestrian friends. →
Ha, ha, haaaa… →
Ha, ha, haaaa… →