But of course it does. →
As if taking on a mature, trained horse doesn’t offer enough excitement and anxiety… →
This could be problematic… →
Maybe they see dead people? →
I guess it’s a tan of sorts… →
Just one more way to ruin your day… →
Pretty sure finding an actual unicorn is easier… →
I’d give it a solid 6.5… →
Could equestrians be any more masochistic? →
Horse people are so dirty… →
As defined by your horse. →
Every Kid’s Dream and Pony’s Nightmare… →
Horse Care is the Philosophy of the Absurd indeed…. →
More effective than summoning demons from a Ouija Board and just as troublesome! →
Majikal rainbows, huh? →
It’s rarely ever as we would hope. →
Why even bother with them? →
Or the lack-thereof. Whatever the case may be. →
Dedication or Pure Apathy? →
Are you ready for some PAIN!? →
Well, oftentimes anyway. →
He’s not *wrong,* but…. →
I mean I didn’t mean to be kidding…buuuut we all can see it for the joke that it →
I see you’ve decided to join the 2020 dumpster fire… →