Five-star event rider Lisa Barry offers these tips on how to help calm an anxious horse during competition. →
It’s that time of year again. When summer sweet itch — or summer itch — will drive your →
Swimming and aquatreadmill work take center stage at educational event for owners who prioritize their horses’ peak performance, →
To ride or not to ride, that is the question. Make sure you know the answer. →
Shiraz was one of the most well-traveled 5* horses in the world during his heyday with Colleen Rutledge →
Equine respiratory health is hugely important — especially for top-level performers. Learn what Olympic rider Lauren Billys has →
With the arrival of summer comes warmer temperatures. This can make keeping your horses — especially those under →
Photographers put themselves in some insane spots to get that perfect shot. This is one of them. →
We all know horses constantly are looking for new and inventive ways to hurt and maim themselves. Fortunately, →
Many horses suffer from vitamin E deficiency. Do you know when to test your horse? →
Well if this isn’t a view all trail riders would love to see! →
There’s still time! Take 20% off select products with MemDay2022! →
Last week we discussed healthy spring feeding tips for the underweight horse. Now it’s time to address how →
In honor of those who have made the greatest sacrifice for our freedom, Haygain supports Cornerstone’s remarkable work for →
Enjoy this video of tall grass, cantering horses and cowboys! →
“Baby, I’m just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake … I shake it off, I shake it off.” →
Having a hard keeping horse can be frustrating, and putting healthy weight on can be daunting. Here are →
We all know our horses can pull some … creative tricks when it’s time for the farrier. But →
Did you know that allergies can cause your horse to stock up? →
Some princesses come in on white horses while others are pulled by their minis! →
Spring is here, which means it’s time to think about traveling with your horses. This series offers travel tips →