Since this is the season of New Year’s resolutions, it seems to be a good time to talk →
This week’s article begins to look at the differences, and very important similarities, between classical and competition dressage. →
This week’s article continues the discussion on what you can see in a still photo, specifically evaluating canter →
This week’s article discusses what you can see in a still photo and explores how to begin sorting →
This week’s article discusses dressage terminology and why it is an integral part of learning and training in →
This week’s article was born of the recent discussion regarding the education problem in our sport and looks →
This week’s editorial is a follow up to my previous article discussing the proliferation of the consumption of →
It was my intention to discuss how the training scale relates to Second through Fourth Level in this →
This week’s article takes the importance of the training scale and looks at how the training scale aligns →
The last article discussed the importance of the three base layers of the training scale. This article builds →
The training scale is a method with which to order your thoughts within the training process. It is →
“In the right way is intentionally separate from the meaning of more concrete words like talented, perfect, and →
“Whenever you see a rider and horse in harmony and balance, performing their jobs fluidly and enthusiastically, you →