In a horse world in which it seems that everyone feels the need to assert their opinion, the →
Tack that promises to improve your horse’s movement, comfort and overall ride? Sounds great. Blinding equestrians with “scientific →
Mel Harms-Grossman asks a tough question: is professionalism dead in the horse industry? She uses real-world examples to →
“If you interact with a horse, you have a responsibility toward him.” Christoph Hess, FEI “I” Judge in →
Identifying specific warning signs for an abuse or neglect situation is not always easy. Noelle Maxwell speaks with →
Courtesy of Vettec, learn more about how you and your farrier can identify and treat corns in your →
“Not all of us can replace those National Velvet, Trigger, or Seabiscuit assumptions with exciting, real-life stories. That’s →
Meet Lottie Crawford! →
Most lifelong equestrians can probably barely remember a time in which they weren’t well-versed in everything equine. Sara →
There are a ton of factors that can influence the appearance of a horse’s coat color in his →
Grit, argues contributor Melanie laCour, is perhaps the most important quality possessed by equestrians: the ability to stay →
Chloe Bellerive’s love of Thoroughbreds is rewarded! →
Emotional energy can have a big effect on how you ride. Linda Tellington-Jones elaborates in this excerpt from →
With the holiday crunch, limited daylight and a hundred extra responsibilities piling on our shoulders, our riding time →
How can professional riders and trainers set themselves apart from the herd in a competitive industry? Professional dressage →
It happens every year: well-intentioned but adorably clueless friends and family give us yet another random horsey knick-knack. →
To the horse, his actions are neither good nor bad — just a response to circumstances. How does →
Trainers need to have more than horsemanship skills: business acumen and interpersonal skills are critical for survival. Claire →
A new approach to #NoStirrupNovember. →
Which countries in the world have the most horses? How large is the global horse population? This info →
Is everything we think we know about horses wrong? Researchers Francesco De Giorgio and José De Giorgio-Schoorl believe →
Navigating the gray area of amateur status, brand ambassadorships and social media according to recent USEF clarifications often →
Meet Audrey Newbrey! →