Monday is already the crappiest day of the week, so it only makes sense that we make things official. Here’s our latest “oh crap” moment, courtesy of our sister site Eventing Nation.
Some temporary good news for horse owners who regularly hit the road: a 90-day waiver has been granted for the agricultural industry to comply with new ELD mandates — giving the horse industry time to either comply or support change in the mandate.
My new go-to grooming tool that all my barn friends are trying to steal.
What horse person doesn’t dream of dashing through the snow in an open sleigh, snuggled up next to a loved one, laughing all the way?
Never mind bombproof… is your horse Godzilla-proof?
She carries so well…
Pizza, french fry, pizza, french fry…
Who ever said barn chores have to be boring?
Now known simply as US Equestrian rather than the United States Equestrian Federation, the nation’s governing body for horse sport announced new strategic changes last week.
Organizing the international travel of hundreds of equine athletes and all of their associated feed, tack and equipment is no small feat. Get a behind-the-scenes look at how the Olympic horses traveled to Rio!
The ramifications of last week’s “Brexit” vote are still being hashed out by politicians, pundits and mainstream media — but what might this historic decision mean for the equine industry? Leslie Threlkeld takes a look.
Buy one get one adorable, leggy, dishy-faced newborn! Learn more about these rare twins who defied all odds.
Love, resiliency and hope can heal the deepest wounds.
DIY “cool” entertainment for your horses this summer.
There’s no place like home when home is the barn.