DeAnn Sloan
Ecovet Presents Fantasy Farm Friday: Colorado Luxury Equestrian Estate
Honestly, for $3.2 million, this is one heck of a deal… (more…)
#goriding Grams of the Week
Another week of horse life, rounded up in your images. (more…)
#TGIF: We Won’t Be Contained
Clearly, these ponies have better places to be… (more…)
Thursday Video: If My Kid Had a Pony…
… oh wait. Mine does. (more…)
10 #EquestrianProblems According to Threads
We feel seen. (more…)
When Horse People Go On Vacation: 7 Concerns Only Equestrians Truly Understand
Horse people go on vacation, too. And when we do, we really know how to let go. We can relax with the best of them… for about five whole minutes. Then we start thinking about what could happen while we’re gone. (more…)
‘Oh Crap’ Monday: Two’s Company…
… or maybe it’s a crowd?
Heat Stroke in Horses, Presented by Kentucky Performance Products
As we head into summer and temperatures begin to rise, it’s always a good idea to know how to recognize and address heat stroke in horses. Fortunately our good friends at Kentucky Performance Products have these helpful tips. (more…)
#goriding Grams of the Week
Another week (or so!) of horse life, rounded up in your images.
Nervous Riders and Overthinkers: Try This
Do you have trouble with managing nerves and overthinking when you ride? Check out this advice from sport psychologist Natalie Hummel Ride iQ!: (more…)
‘Oh Crap’ Monday: Learning to Fly…
… but I ain’t got wings. (more…)
SmartPak Monday Morning Feed: Keeping Those White Spots White
A good horse is never a bad color. But some colors of horses are more difficult to keep clean than others. Here are some tips to make those lighter-colored horses (or at least their lighter-colored spots) shine! (more…)
Weekend Wellness, Presented by Kentucky Performance Products: Keeping Your Horse Healthy While Traveling
Traveling can be hard on horses. The change in routine and limited turn out can cause digestive upset and general stress. Here are eight tips to keep your horse healthy on the road: (more…)
Thursday Video: Side-By-Side Jump Off
A jump off is always exciting to watch, but this video shows an awesome side-by-side comparison of a jump off, highlighting the importance of stride and turns. Both these riders and horses have incredible skill and it’s amazing how close it ends up being.
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Happy Thursday, Horse Nation. Play to your strengths and go riding!