Prerequisites Before Buying a Horse or Mule

A helpful and lighthearted pre-purchase checklist.

Flickr/Five Furlongs/CC

Flickr/Five Furlongs/CC

Before you own a horse or mule, there are some things you need:

  1. Lots of self-confidence to rock your manure-stained outfit and hay-filled hair through your local grocery store or Wal-mart after spending quality bonding time with your four-legged friend.
  2. Infinite amounts of cash. Just trust me on this one.
  3. Feet with no toes. Again trust me on this one: if this isn’t possible, get some tough, strong boots that can withstand horse hooves.
  4. Two trucks, because one always breaks down (usually the newest, fanciest, most expensive one that’s right out of warranty).
  5. Lots of patience, especially when your horse draws a crowd because he has refused to go into the trailer for the third straight hour.
  6. Toilet paper for your saddle bags.
  7. Bouncability, or a great insurance plan. Because it’s not if but when you fall off.
  8. An excellent sense of humor, because your equine pal will always take every opportunity to make a fool out of you.
  9. Extra baling twine to fix broken tack, broken fencing, or broken anything.
  10. Friends that share your passion, because non-horse people will never understand.

Soon-to-be horse owners of the world, we’re here for you. Go riding!

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