Video: Watch the Insanity at Silverton Skijoring
Winter is coming, but doesn’t have to be a bad thing! Watch these brave souls blast around a skijoring track in Silverton, Colorado and explain what this extreme sport is all about.
The city of Silverton, Colorado is home to an annual skijoring competition, during which competitors take turns blasting down historic Notorious Blair Street on horseback and skis at “high noon.” In case this doesn’t sound badass enough, check out this promotional video, complete with epic commentary:
Silverton Skijoring’s website reads, “A horse and rider pull a skier at a fast pace through a course that has gates, jumps and rings. The skier is timed through the course, and penalties are assessed by missing gates or jumps, and by missing or dropping any of the rings (two seconds each). The competitors race for cash prizes, and teams are made up by a random draw before the start.”
Silverton’s annual event was started in 2010 by residents Pete Maisel and Rob Conaty. Since then, attendance has expanded from 300 audience members to over 1,500 in 2015, with competitors hauling in from all over the state to try their luck (and their bravery) on the course.
Is this something you’d like to see or try first-hand? The 2016 Silverton Skijoring will be held on February 13th and 14th. More information can be found here.
Go skijoring. Go Riding.
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