SmartPak Monday Morning Feed: SmartPak Staff Barn Field Trips

SmartPak is bringing us along on a six-part video series as its staff members head to the barn to learn about hay, grain and other feeds from SmartPak veterinarian Dr. Lydia Gray. Here are the first two installments!

SmartPak‘s always looking out for us: they’re not just a great supplement producer and our favorite online tack shop, but the company is also devoted to educating us as horse owners and caretakers, as well as its staff. Every few months, both new and current employees from every one of SmartPak’s departments heads to the barn to learn about hay, grain and other feeds from SmartPak veterinarian Dr. Lydia Gray, and SmartPak is kindly sharing videos from these sessions in a six-part series.

So far, Parts I and II are posted, with Part III coming soon. The videos are a little long to sneak on a procrastination break from work, but they’re well worth the time to sit, watch, listen and learn. Links are embedded in each video to download the worksheet so you can learn alongside the SmartPak staff!

Part I: yep, we know our horses need good hay and grain to get the nutrients they need … but do you know what the different types of grains should be used for? When would you need a ration balancer? Why do you soak hay cubes? Dr. Gray quizzes the staff and explains.

Part II: Do you actually feed what the bag suggests? Dr. Gray shows why weighing the grain is so important. What are the two different types of hay, and when do you want to feed each?

If you enjoyed Parts I & II, keep an eye out for the next four installments!

Go SmartPak, and go riding!

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