‘Oh Crap’ Monday

Monday is the crappiest day of the week, so it only makes sense that we make things official. Here’s our latest batch of reader-submitted “Oh Crap” photos and videos.

Karly Lekberg:Oh Crap Moment. First time over this jump. Slowed down a stride away and then sprang for the jump! Lucky we both made it though just fine!”


Jenna Schulte: “This week’s submission is a photo of one of my students at Poplar Place a couple of weeks ago. We stayed an extra night to school cross country after a super day of showing, and whether due to the rainy weather/wet ground, or exhaustion, aliens, etc, we had a loss of confidence, and the rider forgot how to rider, and the horse forgot how to horse for a little while! They pulled it together shortly after this, and finished their school with confidence.”


Nichole Bradford: “During a Tim Bourke clinic on my mare who frequently stops. Thought she was stopping at this fence…..NOPE!”

Allison Stitzringer: “I’d like to submit a video of my pony and I at a HT this past weekend. We got over the first fence on XC without trouble, but at fence 2 he saw Death Himself in the produce stand, and performed a big fat NOPE of a sliding stop.”

Danielle McCallister: “My mare Finesse and I at our first ACTHA competition. This was her first time in a show-type setting since coming off the track. She had a moment after one obstacle and backed us into a fence. I stayed on, we finished the course, and came back the next day to place 3rd in our class!

Photos used with permission of photographer, Kimberli Shuman of KDShuman Photography.”

Gabriela Varela: “In this video I am competing in my first show in the .80-.90 m class in Colombia, the horse I’m riding is Juego de Azar. As we were coming up to the fourth fence I got a little lost in the strides to the fence so I went forward thinking he would take a long spot and well… Things got a little sticky. We made it over the fence and I managed to stay on and reorganize for the next fence. Juego de Azar left the ring unhurt and with a good pat for being such a good honest horse. The stumble is around 33 seconds into the video.

Meghan Jefferson: “Circa 1987(?); the first time my trainer ever tried (emphasis on the tried) to get my pony and I to school cross country fences. No major injuries except scraped legs (hers) and wounded pride (mine) – although I did stay on. No surprise that I am only just now making the switch from hunters to “baby” eventing!”


Kate Wooten: “Butterkinz McKinley at Lucinda Green clinic!”

Have an “Oh Crap” moment to share? Email your photo/video and a brief explanation of what is going down to [email protected]! Instagram users, tag your moments with #OhCrapHN (your photos need to be set to public or we won’t see them!)

Go forth and tackle your Monday, Horse Nation. Go Riding!

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