‘Oh Crap’ Monday, Presented by Bimeda
Please join us in welcoming the newest inductee into the HN “Oh Crap” Faces Hall of Fame: Michelle Hellem!
We’ve been collecting reader-submitted “Oh Crap” photos for three years now and I still get a little thrill every time one lands in my inbox. The variety of mishaps is never-ending, as are rider reactions. Some riders look cool as a cucumber despite the havoc that is being wreaked beneath them, while others have “I am going to die” written all over their face.
One of my favorite sub-genres, however, are the photos in which everything seems to be going swimmingly — the horse is doing exactly what it is supposed to be doing, the rider’s position is perfectly intact — and yet, the rider’s expression relays a completely different story.
Exhibit A… reader Michelle Hellem sent us this photo with the following explanation: “This is a picture of me riding my appendix mare, Addy. She despises gymnastics lines, and this was the last jump of a three jump line. I still can’t believe that we made it through, and my face definitely shows it! Everyone has these moments, and I would like everyone to enjoy.”
We have all had those moments, indeed. Here’s to many more successful gymnastic lines in your future, so that a smile becomes your default instead of a grimace! In the meantime, we are proud to announce that you are our newest inductee to the Horse Nation “Oh Crap” Faces Hall of Fame:
Past inductees:
Have an “Oh Crap” moment to share? Email your photo/video and a brief explanation of what is going down to [email protected].
Go forth and tackle your Monday, Horse Nation. Go Riding!
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