Thursday Feed from Fleeceworks: Crazy Cavaletti
Looking for a good way to beat the indoor arena blues this winter?
You’re in luck! We found this great video featuring some creative pole exercises, made exponentially more difficult by the very large number of horses participating. Check it out:
Judging from this video, here’s a good recipe for conquering your boredom with endless 20 meter circles and single jumps:
1. Gather approximately 12 of your closest riding buddies.
2. Convince your trainer that a 12-strong lesson is perfectly safe and normal.
3. Collect as many poles as you can find. Substitute branches if needed. Pool noodles also acceptable, and will win you major cool points with your riding peers.
4. Play an extended game of follow the leader. Ensure that the lead horse knows how to pick its feet up in order to prevent domino-effect collisions.
5. Do your best to not tailgate the rider in front of you while also making sure you’re not holding up traffic behind you.
6. Concentrate really hard on keeping your horse’s attention on the poles in front of him. He may be confused; this is a completely normal reaction.
7. If you trip, act like you totally meant to do that.
8. Sit up, put your leg on, and have fun!
In all seriousness, though, there are some really interesting ideas included in this video. Remember, just because your stuck indoors this winter doesn’t mean you can’t work on something new and (somewhat) exciting. And hang in there — spring is just around the corner! We hope.
Go (indoor) riding, and Go Fleeceworks!
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