Horse Haiku of the Day, by Kristen Kovatch
Horse life in 17 syllables.
Each morning we release a fresh new horsey haiku into the internet ether. Today’s haiku comes from HN writer Kristen Kovatch from the cattle farm in western New York.
Go rope that sick calf,
you say. It’ll be easy,
just don’t lose a thumb.
Yep, those were actual instructions (modified slightly for poetic license) given to Kristen. (And no, it wasn’t easy, despite the instructions.) Before we head out, one more for haiku from all of us here at Horse Nation:
Send us your haikus
5-7-5, it’s easy
Horse Nation needs you
Email your own horse haiku (a three-line poem with 5-7-5 syllables per line) to [email protected]. Include a photo of your haiku’s equine inspiration if you like!
Go Riding.
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