Horse Haiku of the Day, by Melissa Owens
Horse life in 17 syllables.
Today’s haiku selection comes from Melissa Owens, a longtime HN reader and sometimes contributor (check out her classic sing-along “The 12 Weeks of Riding” here). That’s also her and her mom’s Icelandic horse Broddi blundering over a cross-country jump above, from a previous edition of Oh Crap Moment of the Day. (FYI, they jumped it successfully on second attempt.) Clearly, Melissa has a keen sense of humor — which comes through in these two haikus she sent us.
The jump gets bigger
Holy sh*t that’s really wide
Jump, Horsie, jump now!
A nice stretchy trot
Legs stepping under, engaged.
No One Breathe. Puh-lease.
Nice ones, Melissa!
One more for ya from all of us here at Horse Nation…
Send us your haikus
5-7-5, it’s easy
Horse Nation needs you
Email your own horse haiku (a three-line poem with 5-7-5 syllables per line) to [email protected]. Include a photo of your haiku’s equine inspiration if you like!
Go Riding.
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