Inside My Equine First Aid Kit
Horses tend to be a little accident prone. Here’s a list of everything I keep in my emergency stash.
I have two First-Aid kits — one for home and one for the trailer. The home based kit is big and contains all of my backup supplies. It’s in a giant plastic trunk. The trailer kit is smaller, fitting in a duffel bag with a shoulder strap. I check each one twice a year, replacing any outdated medicine and restocking other essentials as needed.
Duct tape
Pocket knife
Bandage Central:
Disposable diapers and feminine pads ← Both are amazingly absorbent and the different shapes are suited for different injuries. ‘Little Swimmers’ Diapers are waterproof making them extra handy for hoof applications.
Stable bandages and quilts
Illustration courtesy Lindsey Kahn
Medicine Cabinet:
Animalintex Poultice Pad
Fura-Zone Ointment
Corona Multi-Purpose Ointment
Betadine Surgical Scrub
Non-fragranced antibacterial dish soap ← Super cost effective shampoo. I use Dawn or Ivory.
Saline ← Contact lens solution has a convenient nozzle top.
Swat Fly Repellent
No Thrush Hoof Powder
Liniment ← I prefer the gel varieties.
Epsom salts
Flat Tire Fix:
Hoof pick
Farrier’s rasp and nippers
Hoof testers
Hoof boot ← In case of a lost shoe away from home.
I also stock Bute, Benadryl, electrolyte paste, Perfect Prep EQ Extreme paste, the Hands-on Senior Horse Care book, backup copies of registration papers, Coggins, and updated pictures of my horses (with me in the photo → important for stolen/lost horse identification) in each kit.
Are you prepared for an emergency? What’s in your kit?
Go Riding!
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