7 Unexpected Upsides to Spring

It’s the first weekend of spring! (Now we have something new to complain about.)


A longing glance out the window, heart pounding as you glance at the clock and finish that one last email. Your coworkers might think you’re rushing out the door to get to a hot date or something, but no–you’re just trying to get out to the barn during those sweet, sweet daylight hours! The season of twilight trail rides, grooming your four-legged swamp monster until it starts to resemble a horse, and getting fit for spring and summer events has FINALLY arrived. No more unintentional figure skating moves on the ice, no more frozen Furazone, and no more fumbling with dozens of layers for horse and human.

What’s the catch? Well, none really…

The blustery wind will mean you’ll have no issues getting your horse to be “forward-thinking.”



The mud will give you an excuse to buy cute wellie boots.

Shedding fur is really just a way to add “texture” to every outfit. And you’ll repel anyone who is allergic to your animals. Sounds like a win-win to me.

Spring rain showers just bring the opportunity for you to school water crossings.


[Wikimedia Commons]

Though your house will return to its natural semi-feral state, extra daylight means your barn (and horse!) will be in tip-top shape.

And most importantly, spring means that if you’re an office-dweller like me, you can actually enjoy fresh air and big fields on a twilight ride after work!

So before you start complaining about the mud, and the wind, and the rain…just think. It could be so much worse!


[Lady Fi]

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