Weekend Update from Kentucky Performance Products
When I’m choosing supplements for my horse, I want more than a nice description on the bucket. I want PROOF that it works–which is exactly what we’re bringing you this week.
Here is a sampling of customer reviews we found on the KPP website:
“I’ve been using Summer Games Electrolyte for over 10 years now because of the research used to develop the product and its low sugar content. My current gelding, a huge warmblood, gets Summer Games Electrolyte because of his past history of ulcers. He developed them as a weanling and eight years later I’m still watching his sugar intake and diet to keep flare-ups to a minimum. Summer Games keeps him hydrated and safely replaces the electrolytes he loses when he trains and shows. I wouldn’t use anything else.”–Lisa Byk
“In less than two months on EndurExtra, Secret looks amazing! Her chest, ribs, and topline have filled out and she has a nice round rump. She is still sweet, smart and willing, and not hot at all. I am now feeding her less than three quarts of Ultium three times a day and she is still gaining weight. Everybody that knows her wants to know how I finally got weight on her.”–Laila Bernhartsen
“My boy Cash, and now my show stallion, both get Neigh-Lox and ADR for hindgut support, plus that calming balm Trouble Free for show season tummy upsets and stress. I feed Equi-Jewel to my Thoroughbreds, who thrive on it! My main focus is breeding. Rafael was #1 in the country for his age/sex & breed with USDF 2 years running, as well as reserve champion CDS (California Dressage Society) in 2010 and champion stallion/gelding in 2011, so he’s done pretty well for a backyard bred boy. He’s such a good boy—just goes to show you what a backyard breeder can do with a little help and a dream. Thanks for the good groceries, KPP!”–Andrea Duncan
“Arizona is a 24-year-old former show pony who was living in a field by himself. He was extremely overweight and in need of a new home. We took him home and began a rigorous course of diet, limited turnout and exercise with our vet, but found he was stiff and not really happy about being in work. We began Joint Armor for him and were super impressed with not only the great smell but the limited amount needed for results. With just a tiny scoop, as directed, Arizona began to get healthier and became very active as he was feeling better. We had a few of our local 4-H kids come out and exercise him and take him to a local Hunter show. Arizona showed in the 18″ pony hunters in his first show and placed fantastic! He also won the Cloverbud walk/trot division with a beginner rider and placed in showmanship. We definitely attribute this to Joint Armor and love the small portions and great flavor for our pony.”–Lisa-Marie Beckwith
Read many more reviews on the Kentucky Performance Products website!
Go KPP, and Go Riding!
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