6 Facts Every Horse Owner Should Know About Arthritis
Arthritis is inflammation of the joint, and it is responsible for 60 percent of lameness cases in horses. However, in many cases, there is treatment. Read on for more about arthritis and what to look for in your horse.

By Alberto Rullan, VMD
There is no doubt that lameness is a prevalent problem in horses of all disciplines. Roughly four million horses in the United States are affected by osteoarthritis and that nationally 60 percent of lameness comes from this debilitating joint disease[1].
This disease is an equal opportunity attacker, meaning all kinds and all ages of horses might have it. We see juvenile arthritis in all breeds more commonly than we would like.
This article outlines six need-to-know facts about arthritis. I’m sure you can go to the internet and find tons more information. What I’m going to give you here is useful information that you can apply today when you look at your horses.
Just to be clear, arthritis means inflammation of the joint. The term is used interchangeably with osteoarthritis. Some causes for arthritis could be wear and tear, overuse, join instability, trauma to the joint, and more. We, veterinarians, also like to talk about genetic and nutrition predisposition of this disease.
As you read this article, I want you to think of horses as if you were in their shoes. It’s important to realize that horses show the same symptoms as we do when it comes to pain and athletic ability.

Have you ever heard someone complaining that their knee hurts?
Think about how they move. Come on. Do it! Observe how they get up from a chair, how they go upstairs or downstairs.
Now observe your horse.
Number 1: Are you worried that your horse is not moving the same way it used to?
Your horse can be moving slower than previously. This slower speed applies to any horse with any athletic capacity and any breed. It can be very insidious (gradual effect with harmful ways). This finding will come with subtle changes over some time rather than overnight unless there is an accident or a traumatic event involved.
Number 2: Do you notice a short stride in one or multiple legs?
One of the complaints I get from trainers is that their horse is not reaching as far as they used to. Usually, one of the legs, although sometimes multiple ones, do not stretch as much as the others. We call this asymmetry on the gait.
Depending on the joint involved, you will see different behaviors on the pattern of the stride. Think about a moment you hurt your knee or your ankle. How far forward did you move your leg on every step in order to walk? Were you able to jump the same distance? Probably not.
Number 3: Is your ride not as smooth as it used to?
Sometimes the only complaint I get from the rider is that the horse does not feel very comfortable anymore. It could be a choppy gate, could be a bunny hopping type of gate, or any other feeling you perceive as a rider. The smoothness of gait is not as natural to recognize as a source of arthritis as other signs. However, it’s a perfect red flag for the rider to realize there is something, not 100%.
Number 4: You notice a swollen joint
A swollen joint is a straightforward sign to notice. Mainly because you will see a difference between other joints, for example, if there is inflammation in one fetlock joint, you can compare it to other fetlocks on your horse. Sometimes, nature can throw a little curve at you, and your horse could have multiple joints swollen, but this is the exception rather than the norm.
The main reason for a joint to be swollen is because there is an increase in the amount of fluid in it. Excess fluid can be perceived easier in some joints than others. For example, fetlocks, knees, stifles, and upper hock joints are probably the easiest ones to be noticed. Coffin joints, pastern, lower hock joints, neck, and back are more challenging to observe.

Figure from www.equinefootsecrets.com
Number 5: There is a decreased range of motion in any joint
In my life, the perfect example of this is my grandmother. She loves to nit, every year she has a harder time grabbing the smaller needles. Because her fingers don’t move as quickly anymore, she has a decreased range of motion. Same with horses, when they have arthritis in any of their joints, you will notice a reduced range of motion. Of course, this is easier to see in joints that have a high range of motion, such as fetlocks, knees (carpus), neck, and slightly more challenging to notice in the lower range of motion joints such as pastern, lower hock joints, and back joints. With practice, any rider can detect the most subtle changes in any joint.

3D representation of the hock
Number 6: When you ride him, does he starts stiff and then sorts of “warms” out of it?
As a rule of thumb, if a lameness improves with exercise, there is a high chance, it is a joint-related issue, rather than soft tissue (tendons or ligaments). For example, due to an old back injury, I developed back arthritis. Quite often, especially when I don’t take my joint supplements and don’t have a balanced diet, I have a gnawing lower back pain. As I start moving, stretching, and or exercising, this pain will significantly diminish. Horses with arthritis will experience the same phenomenon; they will start moving a bit stiff or slightly lame, then they will loosen up and be able to do their job.
These are the most common signs of arthritis we see in horses at our practice. Arthritis accounts for 60 to 75 percent of the lameness that we see in our practice. To confirm these suspicions, we perform a lameness examination, take radiographs (X-rays), and perform an ultrasound study. This kind of analysis will give us the certainty of the cause of the problem and how to treat it.
Fortunately, the treatment of arthritis is very straight forward once we know the cause and its origin. Our approach includes a combination of local therapy to the joints that are affected, in addition to systemic joint supplements.
[1] Equine Osteoarthritis : The Economic Impact, The Horse. September 1, 2019. Stacey Oke DVM
About Dr. Rullan

Dr. Alberto Rullan
Dr. Alberto Rullan, DVM, co-founded Performance Equine Veterinary Services (PEVS) in 2009 and the Equine Performance Innovative Center (EPIC) in 2018. A 2006 University of Pennsylvania graduate and ISELP-certified member, he specializes in diagnosing and treating performance-related issues in horses, including complex locomotor problems. His mission is to help 1 million horses reach peak performance abilities through advanced veterinary care and innovative therapies, including alternative treatments such as stem cell therapy, equine hyperbaric oxygen treatments amongst others. He regularly collaborates with international associations in order to increase equine health care education in other areas such as Europe, south America and the Middle East.
For more information about how to treat your horse, please don’t hesitate to contact us at 352-307-3690 or www.performanceequinevs.com.