EN Today: Sinead takes 2nd place at the Land Rover Burghley CCI****

As we mentioned earlier today, Sinead had a pretty good weekend. Samantha Clark was on the scene–here’s her report.

From Samantha:

Sinead did more than win 2nd place at Burghley this weekend, she won over legions of new fans with a deadly combination of talent, brains and beauty – everyone from the Chairman of the Event who came up to congratulate her at length, to Horse and Hound’s Pippa Roome was rooting for her.

Even in defeat, or especially in defeat she’s gracious, thoughtful and still determined to learn and move on – what’s not to love?!

We chatted about her extraordinary weekend, team philosophy, the future of US eventing and perhaps Tate’s plans for next year shortly after the prize-giving.

Whichever event Sinead decides upon I look forward to supporting her, as will all her new admirers.  A quick shout-out to Meg Kep, Irish Sarah and all the grooms who work tirelessly behind the scenes to make the horses look and feel their absolute best.  I can only imagine that there’s going to be some serious partying going on at Maizey Manor until the Burghley’s Angels fly home at various times on Monday – Go and Raise your glass to Burghley’s Angels and Go Eventing!

Sinead and Tate galloping away on xc, photo by Tilly Berendt

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