Mind Your Melon: Show Jumping

Take a vicarious ride through a show jumping course.

As an equestrian who rides western, I have to admit that I like my horse’s feet on the ground. Other than that brief moment at the gallop, if all four of my horse’s feet leave the ground, we have a problem. Be that as it may, I am intrigued by the disciplines where getting air is mandatory (one day I may even try one). That’s why this show jumping video is mesmerizing to me. Seeing where the rider is looking and the pacing is awesome.

Enjoy this view between the horse’s ears on a show jumping course with Riding with Rhi.

Happy Wednesday, Horse Nation. Go riding!

Mind Your Melon videos showcase equestrians who have decided to protect their noggins by wearing a helmet. Do you have a Mind Your Melon submission to share? Send it to [email protected].