Epic Fitness Battle: Kent Farrington vs. McLain Ward vs. Phillip Rozon
This week Jumper Nation brings you an epic fitness battle between Kent Farrington, McLain Ward and Phillip Rozon. You don’t want to miss it!
Kent Farrington is pretty intense when it comes to fitness. In numerous interviews over the years, I’ve seen him emphasize the importance of staying fit — for your own health in general, and also to be effective as a rider. If your horses are fit, try your best to be, too!
Kent has adopted a pretty intense workout regimen, including HIIT and extreme jump roping. I can basically twirl a jump rope twice before I accidentally step on it, so IMO, this is impressive. Let’s take a look at what he’s been doing in his workouts lately.
X-Games: Jump Rope Version.
Monday Motivation HIIT#mondaymotivation
Posted by Kent Farrington on Monday, March 30, 2020
What is this even?! Air push-ups ensue.
Monday Motivation Knuckle push ups 👊#mondaymotivation
Posted by Kent Farrington on Monday, April 6, 2020
McLain Ward then counters with a wheelbarrow push up variation. Extreme.
Since we at Castle Hill think it’s so important to maintain a healthy lifestyle, even more so in stressful times we have been inspired by Kent Farrington’s workout. We could not help but make a short spoof. On this one Kent I concede the victory to you👊🏼 STAY SAFE AND HEALTHY EVERYONE
Posted by Mclain Ward on Tuesday, April 7, 2020
BUT WAIT. FEI official Phillip Rozon just may have both of these two gentlemen beat!
Kent and Mclain eat your hearts out! Apparently Cabin-fever can make people do Crazy Things…..
Posted by Phillip Rozon on Tuesday, April 7, 2020
Who will counter next? I can’t even do one-handed push ups, so…it probably won’t be me.
Go work out!