The Dolly Parton Challenge — Horse Edition
Take a look at this compilation of #dollypartonchallenge horsey photos!
If you haven’t noticed people posting their responses to the #dollypartonchallenge on social media, well… where have you been? The challenge started when Dolly Parton posted a photo grid of which pictures she would share as her profile pictures for each of four social media platforms: LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and Tinder.
For LinkedIn she chose a photo that showed more of a business look. Her Facebook picture was of her in a Christmas sweater, a photo that showed something warm and family oriented. The Instagram photo she chose was one that showed her musical and fashion side. A promiscuous photo of her in a bunny suit was the photo she chose for Tinder.
Since Dolly Parton shared her collage, people all over the world have created ones for themselves, their dogs, cats and horses!
We have compiled some of our favorite horse related #dollypartonchallenge photo collages. Enjoy!
Did you respond to the #dollypartonchallenge with photos of your horse? If so, let’s see them! You can email them to [email protected].