World Equestrian Brands Helmet Cam: Land Rover XC with Elisa Wallace & Simply Priceless
Beautiful weather, a well-ridden course and a moment at the end that’s guaranteed to choke you up… Elisa Wallace’s helmet cam from Saturday’s Land Rover 4* cross-country aboard Simply Priceless has it all.
While the competitive world gives us a plethora of pairings for which to cheer, there are a few iconic partnerships that give you the warm fuzzies every time they go out on course. One such pairing is Elisa Wallace and the 17-year-old Australian Thoroughbred gelding Simply Priceless, known to his friends and fans as Johnny.
Wallace and Johnny completed their fourth 4* event together this past weekend at the Land Rover Kentucky Three-Day Event, ultimately finishing 26th. Land Rover saw an exciting four days of competition that crowned Oliver Townend and Cooley Master Class as champions (we’ll take a look at that performance later today!)
Between Elisa’s pep talking and the cheers of fans lining the course at the Kentucky Horse Park chanting his signature cheer “go Johnny go!” this helmet cam should put a smile on your face. For the full magnitude of what it means to a partnership to finish the tough 4* cross-country at Land Rover safe and sound, watch all the way to the end to hear the emotion in Wallace’s voice as she pats Johnny at the finish line.
I’m not crying, you’re crying.
Go Johnny go! And go riding.
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