KER Friday Video: Mini Skijoring
Still holding on to the last few weeks of winter? This is how you can make the most of it.
Living in a snowbelt region that’s prone to giant dumpings of lake-effect snow from November through April, I’ve found that it’s important to keep a positive outlook on winter weather, and perhaps find a fun snow-based activity to make sure you’re getting adequate exercise and fresh air. (I tend to count “barn chores” as a fun snow-based activity, but there are plenty of others to choose from.)
Unfortunately, I’m really, really terrible at my snow activity of choice: cross-country skiing. I’d love to go gliding along through the woods like some sort of Nordic princess, but truthfully I spend a lot of time floundering along even on a groomed trail. Add even the slightest downhill and I become a liability to those around me.
One thing I am fairly good at, however, is driving horses. Whether or not that talent would be enough to save me were I to attempt to combine the two activities remains to be seen. Rather than risk life or limb, however, I think I’ll just watch this seasoned pair tackle the trail:
Nope, not done with skijoring yet! A nice start to the adventure…but boy, ST was just a wee bit faster on the last bit!! PHEW!! Good thing Kelly can ski!! Well, it was not really that much speed, nor did it last long…ST does not like to work as hard as running away demands!!
Posted by Supertonk on Thursday, November 30, 2017
This partnership certainly makes it look easy!
Go driving!
About Kentucky Equine Research
World leaders in equine nutrition. That’s not a claim we take lightly. For 30 years, Kentucky Equine Research has conducted studies that have revolutionized the way people feed horses for optimal health, performance, and growth. With our own 150-acre research farm and dedicated Thoroughbred training center, Kentucky Equine Research conducts more studies than some leading universities.
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