SmartPak Monday Morning Feed: OutSmart Fly Spray is Back!
SmartPak’s own brand of non-toxic fly spray, OutSmart, is new, improved and back in time for you to stock up for the 2017 season!
SmartPak‘s OutSmart Fly Spray is back — and new and improved!
OutSmart is a plant-based insect repellent, designed to be used by both horse and rider safely. It’s free from permethrin, pyrethroids, pyrethrins and DEET, meaning that you can spray it on yourself before heading out for a ride! Ingredients such as peppermint oil and geraniol give OutSmart a light, clean scent rather than the chemical smell of conventional fly sprays (as much as we appreciate that signature summer scent, it’s not good to inhale!)
The best part: OutSmart repels house flies, stable flies, mosquitoes, and ticks. How’s that for smart??
Want to stock up for the approaching 2017 fly season? Don’t wait, because OutSmart is on sale right now! The 32 ounce bottle is offered for a limited time at 25% off for $14.95. Click here to check it out on SmartPak.com.
Go SmartPak, and go riding!
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